Royal Baby Updates Named Dangerous: Cyber Hackers Masked As 'CNN Coverage' Spread Virus

As the world celebrates the birth of the royal baby, recently named George Alexander Louis, hacking cyber criminals are trying to cash in disguised as CNN video coverage, internet security experts reported.

The emails guarantees the most current news footage of the royal baby, but really deliver Trojan software into PCs. One in particular is known to snatch banking information.

According to Yahoo! News the email is titled "The Royal Baby: Live Updates" and claims to be sent from ScribbleLive, an infamous media marketing service.

“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have welcomed their first baby — a son and a future heir to the British throne — into the world. CNN has all the latest details of this momentous occasion,” the email says.

The links in the email alerts users to update their Flash player plugin to watch the coverage, actually leads them to the Trojan that is known for theft.

The new Prince of Cambridge might be the bait used by these criminals to get the public's secure information, but this isn't the Duke and Duchess' first time being used by these virus spreading hackers.

When the royal couple announced their engagement, hackers took full advantage. By using the clicks of the most popular searched images of the duo, the cyber criminals managed to populate a malware that controls PCs and steal data by masking it as a antivirus software.

Another case in 2011, a story about a pregnant Kate Middleton children's doll on was infected by a bad software that would run without users even knowing.

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Prince of Cambridge
George Alexander Louis
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