Playstation 4 Release Date Rumors: PS4 Not Available By Halloween, Rumor Suggests, Citing November 5 ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Release Date

The Playstation 4 will not be released by Halloween and  will likely be released after the November 5 release date for "Call of Duty: Ghosts" on the PS3 and Xbox 360, comments made by a Future Shop Gamer representative suggests.

The spokesman posted a message on Twitter on Monday that they believed the first-person shooter would be made available before the launches of both next-generation systems, Examiner reports.

In this scenario, fans can purchase the PS4 and Xbox One versions even though the hardware to play the software on won't be available, Examiner also reports.

But a recent delivery listing posted by BestBuy reveals that the Playstation 4 will be available for pick-up on November 30, prompting Black Friday release date rumors.

The dates thrown around most for the Playstation 4 release include November 13, after two European retail giants publicized this date, and November 22, if Sony follows a Friday release patter started with the PS3 and wants to build hype throughout Black Friday 2013, the International Business Times reports.

Sony has not yet publicized the official release date of the Playstation 4 despite the growing amount of rumors surround the product's sale.

And as rumors continue, pre-orders for the next-generation console continue to become more scarce and some users are going through unorthodox lengths to get their hands on Sony's new console. 

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