Xbox One Release Date Rumors: Available After November 5? Microsoft Rumored To Release Next-Generation Console After ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’

The Xbox One might have a release date after November 5 once "Call of Duty: Ghosts" is released on the Xbox 360, comments made by a Future Shop Gamer representative suggests.

The spokesman posted a message on Twitter on Monday that they believed the first-person shooter would be made available before the launches of both next-generation systems, Examiner reports.

In this scenario, fans can purchase the Xbox One versions even though the hardware to play the software on won't be available, Examiner also reports.

And rumors surrounding the Xbox One point to a November 27 release date, but speculation surrounding the Playstation 4 says Sony is eying an early launch date to undercut Microsoft.

"The Xbox One has an Amazon release date of Nov. 27, so an earlier launch for the PS4 could prove quite beneficial," the Christian Post reports.

"At the moment, retailers and online followers of the two consoles can only speculate as to when the systems will launch. One thing is certain: both consoles may suffer huge shortages at launch, with many people unable to get their hands on the next generation systems until 2014."

November 13 is likely to be the release date for the Playstation 4, according to advertisements propagated by two European video game retailers, which could significantly affect the success of the Xbox One if it has that advantage. 

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