‘Noah' Movie Review: Emma Watson Steals The Show! Controversial Film Gains Critics' Nods And Tops Box Office!

The biblical epic "Noah" has been in the news for controversial reasons. At long, last, the movie has been shown and new angles about the film have risen.

Emma Watson, and the female lead characters, outshone their male counterparts. According to the review from The Huffington Post: "(the role gave) Watson ample room to shine, and she does, in her best post-Hogwarts performance to date. Watson plays Ila, whom Noah and his three sons and wife adopt as an orphaned child. Ila isn't part of Noah's bloodline, yet she's more essential to the story than any of Noah's offspring, including the one she's in love with (Shem)."

The review states that Ila is a layered character which the former Hermione Granger ably portrayed: "The turmoil Watson carries through the performance results, in the third act, in an arc so electrifying that even Dumbledore would gawk at the magic she emits."

Critics admit that 'Noah' is not exactly the best Darren Aronofsky opus, and there are times wherein the imagination of the auteur director gets ahead of him. The Huffpost confirms that: "Everything you've read in the Bible is there. It just fills in the holes with fantasy."

One of the more interesting elements of the Fantasy aspect is the Watchers. The Watchers are similar to fallen angels, but not of the demonic kind:

"To give the fallen angels wings and frocks would have seemed a pointed effort to thrust the non-biblical approach in our faces, as if Aronofsky wants it known that he can distort religious motifs. Instead, it's overwrought to get lost in the assumption that no such created walked God's early earth, and so we settle back and allow these absurd additions to prance around with their gravelly voices."

Overall, the film has a good balance of theatrics and a faithful depiction of the biblical story with a moral twist: "It's as much of a CGI-laden spectacle as imaginable and it works as both a narrative climax and multiplex-friendly grandiosity. The stakes! The drama! It all barrels to a gasp-worthy conclusion, and then, after the action comes to a halt, we're pounded with a conversation designed to exact the moral proclamation we'd already surmised

'Noah' is a dreamboat for all sorts of moviegoers -- just as long as you can dismiss some of the murkier storms that precede the rainbow."

The review states that "Noah" is worth watching, and most moviegoers agreed with it, as it topped the Hollywood box office this week.

‘Noah' Movie Review
Emma Watson
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