Star Wars Episode 7 Casting News, Rumors: ‘Breaking Bad’ Actor Jesse Plemons Out! Shooting Location Hints A Return To Tatooine

Star Wars Episode 7 Casting News, Rumors Here!

'Breaking Bad' star Jesse Plemons has previously been linked to J.J. Abrams sci-fi cult film. Allegedly, the 25-year-old actor is going to take on Luke Skywalker's son, Ben, role.

According to reports of The Wrap three of their sources have confirmed that the Dallas-born actor is currently the favorite among those who auditioned for the film.

"Plemons is scheduled to meet with director J.J. Abrams next week to discuss the highly anticipated sequel, which is expected to bring back original stars Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford. Plemons has already taped an audition that was well-received by those involved in the casting process, and he'll by flying in to Los Angeles from Austin, Texas for a second audition that will bring him face-to-face with Abrams."

However, such claims has 'no' truth to it and are just 'crazy' about the film, according to the "Breaking Bad" actor.

"Yeah, I think it's just one of those crazy rumors," he told HitFix.

It's also safe to assume that Plemons is definitely out of Star Wars Episode 7 casting, as he has signed on to a new film, Black Mass.

Star Wars Episode 7 is scheduled for shooting on May the same time 'Black Mass' will start filming, making it impossible for the "Breaking Bad" star to work in J.J. Abram's film.

For more Star Wars Episode 7 news, director J.J. Abrams has been very open with his disappointment about the film being shot in UK, saying that Disney's decision to continue the movie's tradition of filming in London studios "really does make me insane."

However, the film had to be shot outside of the London studios as not everything could be filmed inside the studio.

Badass Digest revealed that Star Wars Episode 7 will start filming on May 14 and that the production will start in Morocco for two weeks with a possible trip to Tunisia. "The latter was the original setting used to double for Tatooine, home planet of the Skywalkers, and some of the sets that were built still remain as weathered monuments to the making of the films."

With that said, there's a possibility that Star Wars Episode 7 plot could include Tatooine in it, but with Disney getting everything under wraps it's really hard to tell.

Not even one of Star Wars Episode 7 casting rumored actors have been confirmed by the studio, not even one, that's how secretive they are with the highly anticipated film.

Star Wars Episode 7 casting rumors include stars such as Zac Efron, Benedict Cumberbatch, Lupita Nyong'o, Michael Fassbender, Adam Driver, Jack Reynor, Gary Oldman, and original cast like Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford.

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