Avatar 2 Movie News: MoviePilot.com Pulled An April Fools’ Prank After Announcing That James Cameron Would Cast Arnold Schwarzenegger As King Of The Na’Vi

Avatar 2 Movie News: The upcoming movie was in for an April Fools' Prank after MoviePilot.com announced that Director James Cameron told that upcoming Terminator: Genesis movie star Arnold Scwarzenegger will be a new addition to the cast to play as the King of The Na'Vi.

This was all a prank made by the website, said that the director told website.com about the casting news complete with interviews.

"I just watched Conan The Barbarian for the first time with a buddy of mine and he's no fool. I couldn't get the idea of Conan on Pandora out of my head. Plus Arnie is a good friend of mine and recently came to me asking for work."

In real news however, director James Cameron has been preparing for the sequel to make it more mind-blowing and work faster based on the amount of development, in terms of computer graphics is concerned, to make the second movie of the series exceed the expectations of the audiences.

"The first film... took almost four years to make. We expect to be able to accelerate the process quite a bit, because we've improved a lot of the software and the computer graphics tools, and we've been working very closely with Weta Digital down here in New Zealand developing a whole new suite of tools to speed up the process."

Cameron provides a sneak peak in his interview that there would be new worlds and new characters that would be introduced in the second installation of the Avatar series.

"We're still in the early stages. Right now we're developing the software. I'm writing the scripts. We're designing all the creatures and characters and the settings, and so on. So, I'm not actually directing yet, but I'm doing all the other creative processes that lead up to that. It's going very well. I think it's going to be spectacular. You'll see new worlds, new habitats, new cultures. The primary conflict between the human view kind of dominating nature and the Na'vi view of being integrated into nature is the same, but it manifests itself in very different ways," he said in an RTL interview.

In other news, actor Zoe Saldana is ready to return for the second part of Avatar and said in an interview that the part two of Avatar would surely be better than the first.

"Oh god, it's whatever the boss says. He already knows how I like to approach [it]. I need at least six to seven months of training and stuff to get into Neytiri again, and whatever's going to happen is going to happen. And the good thing that we all know about Jim is that - it's not so good sometimes because we sometimes have to wait like 10 years for it - but by the time he does come around, he gives you something that sort of changes your life, or at least touches it in such a way. So I do know that Avatar 2 is going to be just as great as the first one because Jim's the S-H-I-T. "

What do you think if Arnold Schwarzenegger would really join the cast of Avatar? Give us your thought by leaving a comment below.

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