NBA Trade Rumors: Kyrie Irving Wants Out Of Cleveland! LeBron James Does Not Want Duke Star As Teammate! Trade Kyrie To The Lakers?

The NBA Trade Rumors are starting to ignite as the season ends. Kyrie Irving, the Cavs superstar, may be the biggest surprise trade for the summer.

The continuous rumblings around Kyrie despite his denials will not stop until he signs the dotted line on an extension offer. Until then, we will have statements just like these. From Brian Windhorst, in an interview with Cavs the Blog:

"The truth is [Kyrie's] camp has been putting out there for years - years - that he doesn't want to be in Cleveland. That they don't want him in Cleveland. He doesn't like Mike Brown. He didn't like Chris Grant. He doesn't like Dion Waiters. He's already gotten a General Manager fired. He might get Mike Brown fired. This is the last time - once he signs he loses all of his leverage - so this is the last time he gets to enact leverage. I know he's said all the right things so, fine, on July 1, when they offer a max contract - which they will - and I don't even know if he's a max player, but you have to sign him - sign a five year, no out. That's what a max contract is. A max contract is five years, no out. If you want out or you want three years, that's not a max contract. You want three years? Okay, we'll give you $12 million a year. We're not giving you the full thing."

Kyrie is a charismatic star on a bad team both on and off the court. LeBron scorned the team despite being in his hometown. Kyrie has no such ties.

The interview continues, and the angle of LeBron James inevitably returning (probably not this year) to his home state team  provides a new angle to the Uncle Drew drama:

"I'm just giving you my feel right now and my feel is that he's not crazy about [signing the full max extension] unless he gets everything checked off across the board.And the other thing is: if the Cavs ever dream of having LeBron, it's not going to be with Kyrie there. LeBron and Kyrie have drifted apart in the last few years, even to the point that if the Cavs wanted to get LeBron they would maybe trade Kyrie for someone who would fit better with LeBron. And I'm not making that up. That line of thinking was not originated by me. That's just the truth."

While everyone thought that the presence of Kyrie Irving might attract LeBron James, the claim is that it's exactly the other way around!

Kyrie's ideal destination is a big market where he can be as popular as he wants. A team with a national TV audience and would also make the playoffs. For most naysayers, Kyrie does not have what it takes to lead a team to the playoffs. He would be best as a running mate of..say, Kobe Bryant or Carmelo Anthony.

Kyrie would want to join those teams and the teams also need a point guard, but since he will not be a free agent, they need trade assets. The Knicks don't have one. The Lakers have their first round pick this year.

The Lakers 2014 pick could be their star of the future, but with Kobe Bryant demanding a strong team, they could flip that for Kyrie. He will train under Steve Nash before the latter retires and Kevin Love may join them when he becomes a free agent in 2015.

This is not as outlandish as it sounds. 

NBA Trade Rumors: Kyrie Irving
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