‘InFamous: Second Son’ Update: Upcoming Patch To Include 3 New Features Like Frame-Rate Lock; Sucker Punch To Add Bug Fixes; Releasing Before April Ends?

Game developer, Sucker Punch, recently revealed details about the forthcoming "inFamous: Second Son" update.

In addition to providing more information about the soon-to-be-released "inFamous: Second Son" update, Sucker Punch also noted how they appreciate all the complaints for the open-world action adventure video game. Brian Fleming of Sucker Punch Productions shared, "We also want you to know that we listen to your complaints. Some big, some small, but we take them all to heart. We never want to lose sight of how important it is that we listen to all of you. We can always be better."

And as a way of expressing their gratitude for the support and the requests to improve the game, the developer began to work on new features that will be available in the upcoming weeks.

As posted on the US PlayStation Blog, below are the three in-game options to be included in the upcoming "inFamous: Second Son" update.

Change Time-of-Day


Once you beat the game, a new entry will appear on the options menu to allow you to select the time of day! A very popular request indeed, and one we're excited to enable for you all.


HUD On/Off


Especially for those amazingly talented screenshot taking folks, we're including an option to let you turn the HUD on and off.


Cap at 30FPS


Internally we prefer the unlocked frame rate, but we recognize that some players find it distressing. So we'll provide a way to ensure the game is not bumping up over 30FPS, if that's how you prefer to play.


Aside from the new features of the "inFamous: Second Son" update, the patch will also bring in fixes for various bugs and performance issues found in the game.

The release date for Sucker Punch's "inFamous: Second Son" update has not been revealed yet but the developer stated that the earliest possible time for the new features to be available is in two weeks.

The post on Sucker Punch official website reads:

We're all working hard to release these updates as soon as we can. Time-wise, the earliest we could have the patch and new features ready is about two weeks from now, so stay tuned for another update - we'll let you know as soon as they're ready to go live. Until then, keep fighting the D.U.P., keep sharing your awesome screenshots (#PS4share on Twitter), and enjoy your powers!

As posted on Gaming Illustrated, it is most likely that the patch will be available before April ends.

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