James Franco Instagram Crush Lucy Clode Defended By Her Granny! ‘He Deserves A Slap On The Wrist!’ Was It A Publicity Stunt For New Movie?

James Franco's Instagram "crush" Lucy Clode has definitely gained some unwarranted publicity for herself. She has another voice to defend her: no less than her grandmother!

Beryl Sussex, 84, thinks that the 35 year old actor has been a very naughty boy. From The Daily Mail:

"I think he ought to get a slap on the wrist and I know my son, Lucy's dad, wouldn't be afraid to give it to him.

It shows how little these famous actors know about normal people and how to behave. They're out of touch with reality.

Lucy isn't even 18. It's bad enough a man of his age is approaching her like this, never mind a movie star. I really take exception to this.

I don't know this actor, at my age we don't keep up to speed, but it's quite clear his behaviour is not on."

Franco did issue an apology through his TV guest appearance in "The Kelly and Michael Show." He stated: "I'm embarrassed. I guess I'm just a model about how social media is tricky," he told the show's hosts. "It's a way people meet each other today, but what I've learned is you don't know who's on the other end. I used bad judgment and I learned my lesson."

"Unfortunately in my position, not only do I have to go through the embarrassing rituals of meeting someone, but if I do that, then it gets published for the world so it's doubly embarrassing," he said.

Meanwhile, there were some people who believed that the entire Instagram 'scandal' was just a ploy to gain more publicity for James Franco's new movie.

Hollywood Life pointed out that "a trailer for Franco's new movie Palo Alto -- in which a forbidden romance develops between a soccer coach and one of his young students -- was released on the same day that Clode and Franco's alleged message exchange took place."

Nevertheless, it was still creepy. But the general reaction of most 17 year-olds like Lucy Clode: "Why can't it happen to me?"

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