‘Justice League’ Movie Release Date Pushed Forward To 2017! Super Hero Team Flick Shoots Back-To-Back With 'Batman Vs Superman?'

After the "Justice League" movie was confirmed, there are already updates on the report. The reported release date has actually been pushed forward!

The report from the Wall Street Journal stated that it the movie will be shown not earlier than 2018. It's a logical conclusion since "Batman Vs Superman" is showing on May 6, 2016. But Warner Bros. is not sticking to the norm. They have a lot of catching up to do.

Latino Review broke the story of the back-to-back filming in January. They stated these reasons:

"To maximize everyone's schedules. Ben Affleck is a busy man, Henry Cavill is in-demand, and Johnson is a workaholic. Not to mention Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, and the rest of the unannounced cast are no slouches either."

The accompanying cast rumor at that time was Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. He is confirmed to play an unidentified character from DC. It's hard to imagine that he won't be part of all this.

Another reason: "Because 'Batman vs Superman' is going to end with an insane cliffhanger/teaser that leads right into Justice League and, like those other back-to-back productions, they want to be able to deliver the second film within a year to strike while the iron is hot. Could this very aggressive approach be how DC intends to pull the rug right out from under rival Marvel Studios? Sure could be."

A cliffhanger is something Marvel doesn't have. They have teasers, for sure, but they're not exactly cliffhangers. Thus, if the Man of Steel sequel is on May 6, 2016, the expected release date for "Justice League" will be..

"May 5, 2017.Again, that is the rumor I am hearing. It makes sense. If the President of Production is officially going on the record by saying that the movie will indeed follow "Batman Vs Superman" then May 5, 2017 is a great date to plant a flag. Early May is now the most sought after release date in the tentpole business. I wouldn't expect confirmation until comic con at the earliest." (Latino Review)

The report was also given more weight with a tweet from The Hollywood Reporter's Borys Kit:

There you have it..Warner Bros. aggressively wresting the May Release Date from Marvel, owning it for two years in a row. What would be Marvel's next move?

‘Justice League’ Movie Release Date
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