Mario Kart 8 Release Date Wii U Surprise? Nintendo Announces Direct YouTube Upload For Next-Generation Console Game

Nintendo announced on Wednesday that Mario Kart 8's release date version will have a YouTube functionality that allows gamers to directly upload their gameplay online.

Mario Kart 8's release date gameplay may rival the Playstation 4 and Xbox One systems, allowing them to "re-enter" the next-generation console battle, Cinema blend reports.

"For the entirety of 2013 Nintendo was like a giant who slept in a cave while his home town got ravaged by the likes of Sony pillagers and Xbox ruffians. The Big 'N' had subsided from the spotlight, hoping that software support and name brand would carry them through most of 2013, and for the Wii U that just didn't work," the website writes.

"Nintendo's head honcho, Satoru Iwata, has climbed off his throne and strapped on his gauntlets, equipped his greaves, padded on a breastplate and pulled up his flameproof jockstrap, as 2014 will be the year that Nintendo re-enters the console war with a vengeance, and they're doing so starting with Mario Kart 8. "

Man Nintendo fans purchased Best Buy $10 coupons for real gas earlier this week.

Mario Kart 8's release date version is expected to be featured in a Wii U bundle unveiled by Nintendo.

The package is alleged to contain a standard old black Wii U Premium, an additional copy, and a free trial of Wii U Karaoke.

Attention surrounding Mario Kart 8's release date, 3Ds, trailer and characters may have given Nintendo a boost as the Wii U continues to compete against rival next-generation consoles Playstation 4 and Xbox one, the Motley Fool site opines.

"The Wii U may not have the graphical horsepower of the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One, but the upcoming Mario Kart game shows that Nintendo's developers are improving on the platform and coming to terms with HD development," the website writes.

"President Satoru Iwata has openly stated that Nintendo was having trouble adapting to the HD standard. Mario Kart 8 signals that those troubles may be coming to an end."

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