Transformers 4 Dinobots Featured In Newest Trailer Will Come Back In Two More Films After ‘Age Of Extinction’ Director Michael Bay Confirms A New Trilogy

If you haven’t seen any of the Transformers 4 Dinobots, then you are missing a lot. You should watch the latest trailer which, features shape-shifting alien robots that instead of transforming into a vehicle, it transforms into a cool giant robot Dinosaur.

On that note, executive producer and director Michael Bay reveals that Transformers: Age of Extinction will pave way to a new trilogy. Bay thinks that this fourth installment to the franchise should not be tagged as “Transformers 4,” since this is a reboot.

“It’s kind of like a new Transformers,” Bay explained. “We had three, the first trilogy, and this is going to be the next one.” The next…trilogy? “Yeah, it’s the first of a new trilogy,” he admitted after shortly hesitating. “I’m not necessarily sure that I’m doing [the others], but that’s what it’s meant for.”

Watch Transformers 4 Dinobots in this new trailer:

While, Shia LaBeouf is officially out of the franchise Mark Wahlberg is tapped to play the human lead together with Autobots leader Optimus Prime and more new robot characters.

Included in the list is the fire breathing Dinobots leader, Grimlock, an order of Cybertronian warrior that transforms into a T-Rex wrecking machine. Together with Grimlock is his army of Dinobots to which Michael Bay gladly talked about during his interview with EW.

However, Bay was skeptical about spilling the beans on where Transformers 4 dinobots leader Grimlock came from, saying: “I like to keep things very much in the dark. But yes, you’ll understand why they’re there when you see the movie. If you think I’m supposed to give away a lot of story points? No way! Keep it secret.”

Don’t get disappointed yet, he did reveal some of Grimlock’s details. The Dinobots leaders is approximately 150 feet long from tail all the way to his nostrils, 63.5 feet tall from the top of his horns down to the ground, and weighing a whopping 850 tons. That’s how gigantic Grimlock is!

Another new robot character that’s about to make an appearance in Transformers 4 is “Lockdown.” He is better known as “Gun Face” to which no explanation is needed. Lockdown is a rather interesting character, why? Well he is neither an Autobot nor a Decepticon. He is a bounty hunter who transforms in an impressive Lamborghini Aventador.

 “Lockdown is an interesting character. He travels the galaxy, he works for somebody else. And he’s here for one person, one alien, and then he’s out of here,” Michael Bay willingly revealed. “So he doesn’t really want to take sides. The cause and balance of the galaxy is kind of messed up when different species play with different species. And that opens up a whole other gigantic world for Transformers.”

In short Lockdown is out to stop the relationship between Humans and Transformers. Bay did mention that this bounty hunter is working for somebody else right? Well that might be a pretty interesting storyline for the future of Transformers. A great way to setup the trilogy.

“Lockdown’s ship has a lot of meaning that can go into other movies. There’s a lot of backstory about that ship that’s not laid out here,” he says. “You’re going to see a few things where you’re like ‘What is that? And what is that?’ And you’re going to see a couple shots like, ‘Wait a minute, who are they?’ But we don’t answer those questions.”

Michael Bay was not spared about him and Shia LaBeouf parting ways, to which he gladly answer.

 “It’s all good. He’s a good guy, but three movies, the same guy, it’s time, you know what I’m saying?” Bay explained. “It’s always good to freshen it up and change the story.”

He insisted that Shia was not fired, although he admitted that the film needed a new lead star.

“No, no it was mutual. He only wanted to do three, and I think that’s all,” Bay clarified. “Then I pulled Mark into this after Pain & Gain, because we had a great time working together.”

A character that is most likely to be included in the next two films is Optimus Prime, once again voiced by Peter Cullen, who has been loyally lending his voice to stentorian tones of Optimus since the 1980s’ cartoon shows.

Michael Bay promises that the Autobots leader is fiercer and fans will finally get to see an “angry Optimus Prime.”

“[The government] wants to wipe out all the Transformers, all the ­Autobots,” Wahlberg revealed. “Optimus has lost all faith in humankind, and I’m trying to convince him there is still good in the world and we need to work together.”

However, Michael Bay describes Optimus’ feeling towards humanity as “He’s done good for earth, and he’s been f–ked over.”

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