‘The Amazing Spider Man 2’ Plot Spoilers: Harry Osborn Is The Main Villain! Director Breaks Down All The Bad Guys And Why They Are Needed For The Film!

"The Amazing Spider Man 2" has been criticized for having too many villains-the same criticism for "Spider Man 3" which abruptly ended the Sam Raimi trilogy. Director Marc Webb reiterates that this incarnation did not compromise quality for quantity.

The villains from the "The Amazing Spider Man"was rather underwhelming, as the Lizard was considered as a run-of-the-mill villain. But the idea was the first movie's task is to establish the starting point of the reboot and separate it from the Raimi trilogy.

Now that the task is accomplished, the seeds of the expanded Spider Man universe must be planted while showing an exciting stand alone movie. Webb explains his choice of villains:

"I really wanted to do Electro, so he became the main adversary for Peter Parker and for Spider-Man. After a while, it's really about revealing different facets of Peter and Spider-Man's personality. For me, I want to push my characters to the extremes. I want to see them experiencing great joy, but also I like to see them crack open, because that's what it takes to move me. There's a purpose for each one of those characters, and they display something different. Like Rhino or Alexsei at the beginning of the movie, it's about embracing that humor, that funny bombastic character that you love from the comics. That Spider-Man that's like colorful and bright, and he's just great at fighting crime and he's having fun doing it, and he's so good at it. He's not just clubbing these guys, he's telling them jokes and he's asking them to stop, but he's being what Spider-Man was, which is a more clever superhero."

'Then, Max Dillon actually, there's a different facet of Peter Parker that we learn about, which is he's an empath. The first time he meets Max Dillon, Max is like, "How do you know my name? I'm a nobody." Spider-Man stops for a second and says, "You're not nobody. You're a somebody. You're my eyes and ears." He recognizes a part of himself, and he's like, "You're an underdog like me. Like, I'm a nobody, you're a nobody..." That's the great power of Spider-Man is to enthuse and encourage and inspire people, and it's what in the first movie, when he talks to that kid: "Put on the mask. It's going to make you strong." He tries to make people the better versions of themselves and helps want them to find their own gifts and need to be a little bit broad about it. Even in Times Square, he does what nobody else is willing to do. Like he talks to him. He listens to him. There's that moment of him trying to empathize with that character. That's fundamentally Spider-Man, which is different than Iron Man, it's different than Thor. I think that humanity is a really misunderstood and overlooked part of that character. So that's Max Dillon and Electro, and then there's obviously physical challenges that character presents, which I think are fun to resolve."

In that context and with the knowledge that there will be a whole lot more villains, who would be the head honcho, so to speak?

"Harry is his best friend, and Harry has access to Peter Parker in a way that none of the other guys do. He knows what makes him tick. The vulnerabilities of the heroes are what make them interesting. Superman has his Kryptonite and love is Spider-Man's Kryptonite. That's where he's most vulnerable. It's so relatable that that's I think one of the reasons why he's still lasted as long as he has. So each of those things have a different inflection. The wound that makes him aware and able to connect with people that is so important, that wound comes from his parents abandoning him, so we're dealing with that, too. So there's all these different inflections. For me, all those are such pivotal important parts of the movie that they require attention, and then there's the Aunt May part of it and the issues with Aunt May. If the family wasn't there, he probably could've ended up like Electro, you know?"

Sony is taking a bold leap with the "The Amazing Spider Man" series and its spinoffs, but they believe they have the talent to challenge the other studios. "The Amazing Spider Man 2" is already in theaters. We can now see for ourselves.

‘The Amazing Spider Man 2' Plot Spoilers
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