‘Interstellar’ Movie Plot Spoilers: Alien Invasion Or Evacuation? Nolan Explores Mankind's Next Huge Step Through The 'Wormhole'

The next movie of British director Christopher Nolan is "Interstellar." It deals with humanity's next big step through the 'wormhole' which is believed to be a passageway to a different time and space.

One important question to be raised is if we can pass through the wormhole, could other beings from other places in the universe also use the wormhole for access to our world, or have they done that already?

And speaking of aliens in the past, can we also use the wormhole to travel through time? The theory upon which "Interstellar" was based was formulated by Kip Thorne. Previously, physicists and scientists believed that the blackhole was the way to explore the universe. Carl Sagan was one of these, and Kip Thorne corrected him (from Discover magazine):

"Black holes can't be used in that way and I suggested he use a wormhole instead. That got me interested in the issue of whether or not there really could be wormholes that you could travel through, and quite quickly I came to realize that if they did exist, it would not be hard for a very advanced civilization to use a traversable wormhole to make a time machine."

But will 'Interstellar' travel through time? In the trailer, they show cornfields-and the context is that corn is the only plant that can be planted on Earth, possibly due to climate change. Thus, the main characters, led by Matthew McConaughey need to look for solutions somewhere or some time else.

According to the plotline from the set: "Set in the future, the movie details the toll climate change has taken on agriculture, with corn the last crop to be cultivated. The scientists embark on a journey through a worm hole into other dimensions in search of somewhere other crops can be grown."

Dimensions can be used to refer to an entirely different reality. It is not bound by time and space. Thus, the movie may involve more imagination than we thought. Either way, we can't wait until November 14, 2014. 

‘Interstellar' Movie Plot Spoilers
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