‘Deadpool’ Movie Confirmed? Simon Kinberg Says 'It Makes Sense!' Will He Join The X-Men After His Solo Launch?

This is the peak of Comic Book movies, and now the major studios want to exploit all their properties. Fox will not be left behind, and now they will utilize one of their most popular weapons: Deadpool!

Deadpool is one of Marvel's most popular characters, an anti-hero in the mold of Wolverine. However, while Wolverine has wild, animal ferocity Deadpool has a sleek yet merciless method.

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" writer Simon Kinberg reveals that Fox is about to take a more active stance He spoke with Collider: "Yeah, they definitely understand what they have now in a way that-having worked on the X-Men Fox movies since 2003, [it was a] different regime, really different culture inside the studio [back then], but outside the studio like you say, the juggernauts, the big movies of every summer are [now] superhero movies.  We're gonna have three big superhero movies in the span of like a month and a half between Cap 2Spider-Man, and us.  So Fox does understand that they are sitting on this massive universe with the X-Men, also with Fantastic Four obviously.  But they definitely have a sense of it and there's a real interest and appetite for how to explore and expand that world into other movies, into spinoffs, into different time periods, the whole gamut."

It's a move that most fans feel is long overdue. Fox acquired a rich treasure trove of characters when it bought the X-Men. At that time, the mutants were on top of the comic book world.

Well, it's better late than never, and Fox is exploring all angles. For Deadpool in particular: "Yeah, it makes sense to me.  Genuinely it's early phases, early days, but if you're gonna do a Deadpool movie, I think you've gotta do a hard-R, darker movie and he is the perfect character to do it with."

Fox has an opportunity to strike the perfect balance. While Warner/DC is being criticized for being too dark (the Zack Snyder effect), Marvel being too humorous that it loses its edge and sense of urgency and Sony's "The Amazing Spider Man" being too much of a love story with some action scenes,  a Deadpool movie can combine all those elements.

Deadpool has lived a storied life and he may well be the banner solo feature of Fox after Wolverine.

‘Deadpool’ Movie
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