Lee Hyori, "The Sad Reality Behind Animal Protection is Euthanasia"

Lee Hyori reveals the unfortunate reality behind animal protection.

On July 3, Lee Hyori Tweeted, "I receive countless Twitter posts like 'Dogs are being abused,' 'Dogs are wandering on the streets,' and 'I just picked up a stray dog, what do I do...'" and began her story.

Lee Hyori added, "I want to respond by saying, 'Try asking for help,' 'Contact the appropriate authorities for help,' but there's nothing reliable," and revealed the unfortunate state of animal protection.

"Our nation's animal protection system is already doing so much that they look burnt out and even if these requests are sent to public organizations, euthanasia is the only method used," she added in a defeated tone.

People in the online community responded with comments like, "You're right. It's unfortunate that there's no other real method besides administering euthanasia," "It's the sad reality for these animals who need love," and, "It's sad we can't do much more to help."

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