'We Got Married' Kang Sora, Provocative Remark of Leeteuk's Body, "I Like His Chest Best"

Kang Sora complimented Leeteuk's body.

In MBC "We Got Married" aired on the 7th, Leeteuk and Kang Sora went on a Nami Island trip.

On this day, Leeteuk and Kang Sora went on a boat. They showed affection by putting life vests on each other.

After they got on the boat, Kang Sora filmed Leeteuk rowing the boat. When Leeteuk asked her "What did you film with the camera", Kang Sora said "I filmed your good-looking face. I also filmed the part of your body that I like the most. It was centered around your chest, like an X-ray", making a shy face.

Then, during the interview, Kang Sora said "Super Junior's Leeteuk has the best body. He had nice muscle", arousing laughter.

Photo Credits: MBC

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Kang Sora
We Got Married
