'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Loved By Critics: Here's What They're Saying About Chirs Pratt, Bradley Cooper, And Vin Diesel Space Opera [VIDEO]

"Guardians Of The Galaxy' opened last night, and the critics seem to really like it, here is what they are saying.

Marvel's first stage was to get people interested in B-List Superheroes Hulk, Iron-Man, and Thor, by doing "The Avengers." This stage is the opposite, starting out with C list superheroes, and starting with an ensemble movie.

While it seems like a risky move to make a movie about superheroes with 0 name reconition, it seems like the move will work out well for Marvel. Comicbookmovie.com reports that Guardians will likely have a $65 million weekend. This has been the worst summer ticket sales in 20 years.

Dana Stevens from Slate.com said, " James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy represents a new wing of subspecialization for Marvel Studios. Rather than deliver another update of a familiar superhero (Spider-Man, Captain America, the Hulk) or jam a bunch of familiar superheroes into a superteam (the Avengers), Guardians digs back into the Marvel archives, finds a handful of near-forgotten, less-than-heroic characters, and reimagines them as shambling comic takeoffs on the impervious do-gooders we've come to expect in our summer blockbusters. Guardians of the Galaxy (co-written by the director and Nicole Perlman) is a Marvel spoof created by Marvel-a provenance that should be enough to suggest you won't find any Lenny Bruce-level social commentary here. This is a corporate-issued palate cleanser, meant to whet our once-sated appetites for the next course of "serious" superhero fare."

"Still, the film's pokes at action-movie grandiosity are generally pretty funny, the soundtrack bounces from one tasty tune to the next, and peeping out at regular intervals between the space-pod battles and gratuitous 3-D gimmicks is a story about characters whose fate actually begins to matter to us. Guardians of the Galaxy is no Lego Movie (this year's other Chris Pratt-starring comedy about ragtag explorers, which midway into 2014 is still looking like one of my favorites of the year). But GotG made me laugh a lot and almost cry twice, and it's late July, and I'll take it."

"Bradley Cooper gives one of his best performances to date as the voice of a trash-talking space raccoon."

"Directed with an effortlessly light touch by James Gunn, a low-budget maestro of genre films such as 2006′s 'Slither' and 2010′s 'Super,' 'Guardians of the Galaxy' represents a risky proposition for Marvel on several levels: a director who's never grappled with a project of this scale before, a menagerie of comic-book characters who are hardly household names (even to fanboys), and a tongue-in-cheek B-movie vibe that's more 'Starcrash' than 'Star Wars.' But give Marvel props, even with all of its mega-success; the studio's still willing to take chances. Here, that risk pays off big-time. The film's a giddily subversive space opera that runs on self-aware smart-assery." - Chris Nashawaty, Entertainment Weekly

"There are three things that make 'Ghostbusters' work: it's funny, it functions as an actual movie outside of the comedy and the characters are great. These three things are apparently very hard to stuff into one movie, because it is so rare to find a film that pulls them all off. But without all three a funny adventure movie is lopsided, off-balance and ultimately not that good.

"'Guardians of the Galaxy' pulls off all three, and with such adroit surety that it makes you wonder why almost nobody else has been doing the same for the last thirty years. There's a central structure - a MacGuffin chase predicated on reversals and betrayals - that keeps the story moving like a freight train, and there are plenty of laughs and jokes along the way. But what makes 'Guardians of the Galaxy' a film that is in the same league as 'Ghostbusters' are the characters; these are characters with real heart and soul, fully formed people who are exciting and funny and wounded in equal measure." Devin Faraci, Badass Digest

"I hope Bradley Cooper won't take it amiss when I say that he gives one of his best performances to date as the voice of a trash-talking space raccoon. Rocket - who's adorably rendered in a style that suggests, but isn't, stop-motion animation - at first struck me as overly cute, one of those cloying smartass animals inserted to pander to young children in the audience. But I'll be damned if Cooper didn't give this ring-tailed creature some layers. ...

"Rocket's crabby exchanges with his vegetal sidekick Groot, beautifully voiced by Vin Diesel, are among the movie's highlights. Groot can only speak a single phrase - 'I am Groot' - but he utters it with so many different intonations that it comes to constitute a language of its own, one which only his pal the raccoon can accurately interpret." - Dana Stevens, Slate

"It's like the silly, superhero-loving kids goofing off in the back of the classroom looked at 'The Avengers' and 'X-Men' and declared, 'Hey, how hard can it be to save the world? Let's do it too!' That's how slapdash this kitschy comic-book flick plays on screen. And while it can be a refreshing twist when a film doesn't take itself seriously, the lack of quality blockbusters this summer is no laughing matter." - Mara Reinstein, Us Weekly

"Maybe you never heard of 'Guardians of the Galaxy,' the Marvel comic franchise that wilts in the shadows while Spider-Man, the X-Men and the Avengers get all the love. Maybe you think a big-ass movie about wanna-be Marvel icons isn't worth your time.

"Snap out of it. 'Guardians of the Galaxy' does the impossible. Through dazzle and dumb luck, it turns the clichés of comic-book films on their idiot heads and hits you like an exhilarating blast of fun-fun-fun. It's insanely, shamelessly silly - just one reason to love it." - Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

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