‘Thor 3' Cast: 'Thor' Will Die In Ragnarok And Female Thor To Be Introduced? ! Is She Already In The Marvel Cinematic Universe?

The complications arising from the female Thor introduced in the comic books might spill over in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The rumor is that "Thor 3" will feature 'Ragnarok' and the death of Chris Hemsworth's character. Will the next Thor feature a female?

The effort to diversify the characters and add more female characters (not to mention other races) is strongly felt in the comics world, and it's a matter of time before the Cinematic Universe catches the trend.

While Warner/DC is already scheduling a "Wonder Woman" movie, Marvel is wavering on Ms. Marvel or Black Widow or someone else to headline their female superhero film.

For clarification, the new female Thor is actually Thor. According to the official Marvel release:

"The inscription on Thor's hammer reads 'Whosoever holds this hammer, if HE be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.' Well it's time to update that inscription." 

Writer Jason Aaron clarifies: "This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it's unlike any Thor we've ever seen before."

In any case, it would be a great way to challenge Wonder Woman-both have a 'godly heritage' and the level of power is similar. So far, Marvel Studios has yet to introduce a powerful female character. In "Avengers: Age Of Ultron," three prominent female roles are agents of SHIELD with no super powers (Black Widow, Maria Hill, Agent Carter).

This is still a long way off, but this is definitely an angle that Marvel is exploring. Chris Hemsworth is under contract only for three more movies (Thor 3/Avengers 2 and 3). There is also the rumor that "Thor 3" will feature "Ragnarok. "

"Ragnarok" will feature "the end of all things." At the very least, we could see the end of Thor as we know him. Moviepilot cites the comic storyline:

"They offer Thor praise and rewards if he would leave the tapestry alone, but he refuses, severs the thread, and thereby cuts the endless cycle of time and ensures his own glorious death."

But as previously stated, the power of Thor is in the hammer, Mjolnir, and it may find a new worthy wielder. Is it someone already in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

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