Lady Gaga Madonna Feud Over Berlin Wall Concert More Divisive Than WWII; Let Pink Floyd Do It

Lady Gaga and Madonna are all set to reignite their feud. Lady Gaga and Madonna both want to play an upcoming performance to mark the fall of the Berlin Wall. And Neither One Wants to Play Backup. Madonna and Lady Gaga are both headliners, politically active and get what they want.

Most people associate the tearing down of the Berlin Wall with the end of the Cold War, unless they remember it as the hot concert spot for Pink Floyd's The Wall. Madonna and Lady Gaga also see it as the concert of the decade. While no one has compared either Lady Gaga or Madonna to Stalin, there is no treaty of Versailles in sight.

Britain's Daily Star quoted a source saying "Madonna and Gaga are equally desperate for the honor of performing. They both like to think of themselves as very political, and will also have new albums to promote by then."

According to Britain's Daily Star, neither Gaga nor Madonna want to play back up at the anniversary event. They are both headliners and they are drawing lines in the sand. Most reports say Madonna is the favorite to perform at the event.

Lady Gaga and Madonna have been feuding since Madonna accused Lady Gaga of ripping off "Express Yourself" for her hit "Born This Way." The feud is on again as the two pop stars battle to headline a concert marking the anniversary of the the fall of the Berlin Wall.

According to, Madonna and Lady Gaga both want to sing at the 25th anniversary concert which is set will happen on November 9. The Berlin Wall divided East and West Germany after World War II.The source told the Daily Star ''It could reignite their long-running feud as the date draws nearer because neither are used to being told no. 'However, it's highly likely organizers would choose the Queen of Pop over Gaga, if push came to shove.'' 

Has anyone asked Pink Fink to reunite for this? It is bigger than any problems Roger Waters might have with David Gilmore. 

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