'Rise of Tomb Raider' Release Date And New Trailer: Actress Camilla Luddington Reveals Cutting Edge Motion Capture That Will Make 'Tomb Raider' The Most Realistic Game Ever [VIDEO]

"The Rise of Tomb Raider" has been announced with a tentative release date of the 2015 holiday season.

Square Enix presented a game trailer showing Lara Croft attending a psychology session.

The sequel to the critically aclaimed 2013 reboot, is set to come out on 2015 during the holidays. The game is set to be released to the Xbox One since it was announced during Microsoft's press conference during E3.

Console exclusivity is still out of the question and it could be possible that Square Enix will release the game on other platforms like the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and the PC.

The story for the sequel is based off a comic book written by Dan Abnett and Nik Vincent and it involves Lara Croft looking for a cure to save her friend. This might be after she recovers from the trauma that she experienced during the first game as the psychology session in the trailer suggests.

"Desperate for a remedy, Lara searches for anything that could help Sam," the summary of the story reads. "A wisp of hope arising from a myth gives Lara purpose: the story of an ancient and mysterious artifact that could heal her dying friend, and possibly help explain the supernatural events she witnessed on Yamatai."

British actress Camilla Luddington has given some insight on the new motion capture technology that Crystal Dynamics will be implementing in its hotly anticipated sequel, Rise of the Tomb Raider.

According to Luddington's Twitter, the new tech is dubbed Mova, and tracks fluorescent paint sprayed onto an actor's face, which allows for over 7,000 points of reference. By comparison, regular mo-cap affords only 90 points of reference.

The result? A "much more realistic capture," says the Lara Croft actress, which means the upcoming action-adventure title will look even more "awesomely detailed" than its predecessor, 2013's Tomb Raider.

Again, "Rise of the Tomb Raider" release date is around the hoilday season in 2015. Watch the trailer below, and check back often for updates as we get closer to the relase date


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