Apple To Launch iWatch A Month Earlier Than Expected, Report Says

Apple's wearable device will reportedly be launched on next month's media event, along with the much-anticipated iPhone 6, USA Today reported.

Quoting Apple blogger John Gruber, Apple may also unveil iWatch, a wrist-wearable fitness band.

Earlier, Apple announced that it will release its latest product line-up , Sept. 9 which  according to speculations will include the rumored hottest item- the iPhone 6.

It was long speculated, that Apple wearable device would  debut in another Apple launching in October.

However based on Gruber's blog, it may yetbe announced at the Sept. 9 media event.

The USA Today article said that Apple has been testing the new wearable device on athletes such as Kobe Bryant.

According to Mac Rumors, iWatch is described as  " a 'fashionable' device running iOS with biometrics and other features providing integration with other iOS devices. However Mac Rumors said it will be launched October and is rumored to have a size from 1.3 inches to 2.5 inches.

An opinion published in said that Apple is also working with Mayo Clinic to come up with the fitness wearable device.

The  Mayo Clinic was quoted as saying that Apple's technology "will revolutionize how the health industry interacts with people." Indeed. The supply of asynchronous data, or even data in real-time, opens up tremendous possibilities for people from all walks of life whether they are professional athletes, recreational athletes or just ordinary everyday people."

Apple's another product that has been rumored to be unveiled too, is the iPhone6 that is said to have a size from 4.7 inch and 5.5 in screens and 2GHz A8 processor.

The 4.7 inch screen will reportedly be unveiled first and the 4.5 inch screen will follow after a few more months, reports stated.

The new iPhone will also include a new number of features from sapphire display, camera sensor and a new case design.

Rumors of a new iPhone surfaced since April and that replicas have been circulating in the Chinese market. The leak has fueled speculations that the next-generation iPhone will be debuting soon.

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