Rush Limbaugh Attempts To Capitalize On Robin Williams Suicide By Blaming It On Political Ideologoy, Then Tries To Take It Back By Blaming People For Reporting What He Said [PHOTO]

On Tuesday Rush Limbaugh attempted to blame Robin Williams suicide on his political ideology.

Today Rush Limbaugh attempts to take it back by saying the mainstream media misquoted his Robin Williams remarks

On Tuesday, the radio host said that Williams' suicide "fits a certain picture or a certain image that the left has. Talk about low expectations and general unhappiness and so forth."

Limbaugh claimed on Wednesday that he never said Williams killed himself because of his political views, and that his comments were "misquoted, purposely taken out of context" by the liberal media.

He said he was actually criticizing the media's coverage of Williams' death. "I don't presume to know why Robin Williams committed suicide," he said. "I didn't know yesterday, and I don't know today."

"They are the ones trying to tell us why," he continued, criticizing the liberal media. "They are the ones trying to explain it. They are the ones justifying it. They are the ones glorifying it."

The full comments from Limbaugh's inflamatory ramble can be heard here.

He also read from a local Fox News story, which speculated why Williams committed suicide.

After he finished reading the Fox News story, in which an anonymous source discussed financial difficulty and "survivors guilt."

Not all words following the actor's death have been as kind.

The newest segment titled "Despicable Leftists Lie about My Comments on the Media Coverage of the Robin Williams Suicide," he said that the sheer volume of news outlets twisting his words had forced him to respond:

"[A]ll of these low-rent, despicable, irresponsible, pathetic, so-called media watchdogs on the left are trying to make it sound like I said Robin Williams gave up because he was a liberal, and he's hopelessly doomed to misery and despair because that's what liberals are devoted to. And I said no such thing."

Here's what MarketWatch reported Tuesday about Limbaugh's comments, and here's the original transcript.

On Wednesday (transcript here) Limbaugh went on to speak of his fear that suicide is being glorified by the media and that this could trigger copycats:

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