‘Deadpool' Movie: Robert Rodriguez Passed On The Film? 'Sin City' Director Wants More 'Ownership!' Test Footage Leak Was Intentional For Fox To Gauge Deadpool's Popularity?

The 'Deadpool' leaked test footage is definitely a positive development for those waiting for a Merc with a Mouth movie. There are actually more implications surrounding the leak. Also, a little known fact is that the original director for Deadpool would've been Robert Rodriguez of 'Sin City' fame.

We really have so much reason to hate "X-Men Origins: Wolverine." The 'Deadpool deadlock' is apparently a result of that film's critical failure. Fox had grand plans of a Magneto solo movie, and if Deadpool wasn't mangled in the movie, they wanted to tap one of the most exciting directors in filmdom today-Robert Rodriguez.

What Culture shares:

"Though this footage was shot by Tim Miller, who has been attached to direct the Deadpool feature for years, Liefeld has revealed on Twitter that before this footage was shot Sin City director Robert Rodriguez was in consideration to direct Deadpool in 2010. Rodriguez was Fox's choice because of his experience directing movies with a substantial amount of special effects on a digital backlot."

So why did it not work out? It seemed like a perfect combination?

"According to Liefeld, Rodriguez turned it down because he wanted to work on films that he had more ownership of, like Machete and this month's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. Rodriguez's refusal led to Miller being selected to direct the movie and this test footage. Fox likely felt more comfortable with an established feature director like Rodriguez instead of a rookie feature director like Miller, which could also explain why Fox hasn't put Deadpool into production yet."

Ergo the test footage leak. It is highly suspected that the leak was intentional. Some reasons-the opportune timing and the quality of the second leak. What Culture elaborates:

"Neither Fox nor Blur has commented on the leak, but the timing of the leak (right after Comic-Con) and the incredible quality of the second leaked clip suggests that somebody on the inside might have done this. Could it have been Fox's way to gauge fan interest? Could it have been someone at Blur Studio hoping that positive fan response would push Marvel into making the movie? Both are possibilities, and it wouldn't be the first time a major studio leaked something in order to gauge reaction and later blamed it on 'hackers.'"

For what it's worth, the response was overwhelming, and Fox is running out of reasons to NOT make a Deadpool movie.

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‘Deadpool’ Movie
Sin City
Robert Rodriguez
