Twitter New Policy: Delete Tweets Containing Pictures And Videos Of The Deceased! When Would This Rule Be Enforced?

After Robin Williams' death, his daughter Zelda Williams received tremendous tweets in Twitter showing images of her father that leads her to delete her Twitter account, saying, "Mining our accounts for photos of dad, or judging me on the number of them is cruel and unnecessary."

However, it is not only the case of Zelda Williams that was examined by Twitter with its new policy, also the family of James Foley is asking not to post and share his picture. Foley is an American photojournalist who was killed by an ISIS terrorist in an operation against U.S military in Iraq.

The social media networking site Twitter has new policy with regards to the deceased.

According to the article of, on Tuesday Twitter confirmed its new policy saying, "In order to respect the wishes of loved ones, Twitter will remove imagery of deceased individuals in certain circumstances."

"Immediate family members and other authorized individuals may request the removal of images or video of deceased individuals, from when critical injury occurs to the moment before or after death," Twitter added on their website.

With the Twitter new policy, the said social media networking site is required to review all media removal requests from the family of the deceased person send via email at

However, the Twitter new policy stated in their website that they were not allow anyone to access the account of the deceased regardless of his or her relationship.

Moreover, with regards to Twitter new policy, they requested the followers of the #ISISMediaBlackout to avoid posting images James Foley.

Are you amenable to the Twitter new policy? Tell us what you think.

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Zelda Williams
