'True Blood' Delivers Ironically Welcomed Series Finale

"True Blood" has finally met the true death, and both fans and critics were simply happy that it's over. In what started out as a fresh antithesis to the fantasy "Twilight" craze - a vampire tale for adults of sorts - "True Blood" has staggered to the finish line after seven arguably successful seasons. Reactions have been mixed overall to the series finale itself, but after several seasons, characters, and plot lines in the age of canceled-after-one-season-TV, it's hard to imagine too much support. (Unless you're "Breaking Bad" of course.)

In terms of story, even the most generous of critics were displeased. Jeff Stone of Indiewire explains, "I certainly didn't come into this season with a grudge against this show. Heck, I thought Season 6 was pretty good! Plus I was overly generous in my review of the season premiere, since I was hoping for the best. But woof, this final season turned into a slog by Episode 2 and never really recovered." The Daily Beast chimed in with more disappointment: "What was once sexy and mildly transgressive-the perfect antidote to Twilight-devolved into a repetitive, unimaginative mess."

Some fan reactions were similar. International Business Times compiled some fan tweets and while one user is still hoping that it's an HBO joke gone wrong, another user "can't believe I wasted 92 hours watching 'True Blood' with that stupid series ending."

Although seemingly critics and fans were largely unhappy, Vulture had a more rounded point of view on the "True Blood" finale: "Because what 'True Blood'  will always come down to, even in the face of a disappointing finale, is that Bon Temps is a place where I want to spend time . . .  Whatever my frustrations (and anyone who loves True Blood knows frustration), I will miss this show dearly. What a hilarious, sexy, ridiculous Tilt-a-Whirl ride it's been."

Whether you're happy, sad, angry, or disappointed with the series, "True Blood" has come to the end of the road. For those who have an HBOGo subscription, you can continue to relive the series highpoints over and over again online. For those of you looking for something else to watch in it's place, your next stop may be Showtime's "Penny Dreadful," a gothic reminder of the origins of some of "True Blood's" monsters. 

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