RHOC Tamra Barney Continues To Stir The Pot On Reunion! Won't Take Responsibility With Shannon Beador Vicki Gundalson Or Lizzie Rovsek On Real Housewives Of Orange County Part 1

RHOC Tamra Barney Continues To Stir The Pot On Reunion! Real Housewives of Orange County Tamra Barney just continues to be a mean girl and takes no responsibilty for her actions. I honestly think that if Tamra was not on RHOC, the ENTIRE cast would get along. The reunion part 1 was a good start, but kind of on the sad side Tamra Barney just can't realize how obnoxious she is being. But just as the Dubrows can't move on with the Beadors, Tamra never will move forward and her meddling is getting as old as her plastic face. She continues to live in a world where she screams at everyone, has a big mouth and then amnesia when she can't remember what she said. Tamra has the nerve to talk about other peoples' drinking when she can't even remember anything when she drinks! The RHOC reunion kicked off with looking back at how Tamra and Vicki had to let go of their children. This Housewives storyline that was dragged through the mud already on Real HOusewives of Beverly Hills and New York, and should be put to bed. It is NOT entertaining, and nobody cares. Who watched these reality shows and says 'oh wow, I'm going through the same thing as Vicki and Tamra with my kids. This is interesting.' Nobody. I've already had to sit through Yolanda Foster, Kim Richards, and Ramona Singer say bye to their kids. It's enough Bravo. Back to the RHOC reunion

I feel like Shannon is finally getting her side across to Heather and Tamra, Heather Dubrow is finally seeing all of the things she did wrong to Shannon and taking responsibility, Vicki is in a great state of mind and finally is seeing through Tamra, Lizzie hasn't said much at the reunion so far, and Tamra Barney will walk away from this Housewives reunion with only one friendleft...Heather. Then there is the superficial, yet most important situation on RHOC. Heather's bangs look terrible! She looks like she stepped out of teh 'Walk Like An Egyptioan' music video and the new look does not match who Heather really is. Shannon's face is getting increasingly distorted and her hair is just a hot mess, Tamra needs to quit the plastic surgery and the show, and Vicki actually looks great. Being in love and a grandmother certainly looks good on her. Vicki just needs to learn to shut her mouth at this reunion. Although I agree with what she has to say, she needs to put her foot in her mouth. She's offended gays, Asians, and all of Oklahoma in just part one of the reunion! But let's get to her love life with Brooks. I'm getting tired of his name being crapped upon. If Vicki gets hurt by Brooks, the only person that will have to deal with that is Vicki. So why does everybody else care so much? Tamra needs to mind her own business.I would bet $1000 to anybody right now that Tamra Barney and Eddie will not be married for very long because Tamra is really starting to go to the dark side. I'm not saying this to be petty...Tamra really is starting to become a witch and hopeully this RHOC reunion is her last.

If Tamra Barney has any chance of saving her marriage and family, she will not stir teh pot, leave RHOC, and possibly even leave Orange County altogether. Also on the Housewives reunion, The Dubrows and Beadors face off, and it doesn't look like this feud will be cleared up on part 1 or probably any part of the reunion. I agree with the Beadors 100%.  Reguardless of anything that has happened this season on Real Housewives of Orange County, the Beadors have apologized countless times and it is just time for the Dubrows to let it go or the Beadors to not talk to them again and make other friends. I like David Beador immensely and I think Terry Dubrow takes himself too seriously and thinks he's better than everybody else. On the finale of RHOC I was shocked at Terry's behavior and when given the opportunity to say sorry, the stubborn surgeon did not take the bait. I'm tired of this feud that never would have started without Tamra Barney poking her head into their business and going back and forth from Heather to Shannon all season long on Housewives. I WISH Heather would just say sorry for everything instead of playing the semantics game. And I just want Tamra to take ownership of all her little lies and games she played with everyone's emotions on Real Housewives of Orange County. 

What did you think of RHOC reunion part 1? 

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