Minnesota Timberwolves Owner Bashes Kevin Love! Former Franchise Player’s Deficiencies Will Unravel Once He Plays ‘Third Banana’ With The Cavaliers

Rejection is a bitter pill that's not easy to swallow. Cleveland knows that all too well. Now, the Minnesota Timberwolves have tasted the agony of losing a superstar and their owner is not taking it well.

Glen Taylor, owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves, is evidently bothered with Love's departure. While he claims that he is 'happy' with how the trade was negotiated, the sad fact that he lost his franchise player was evident in his words. From 1500 ESPN:

"I question Kevin if this is going to be the best deal for him because I think he's going to be the third player on a team. I don't think he's going to get a lot of credit if they do really well. I think he'll get the blame if they don't do well. He's going to have to learn to handle that."

That was truly the weakness of Love's game, and until now, the Cavs are trying to find  a solution for it.

"I think he's around a couple guys are awful good. Now I'm not saying that Kevin's not good, but I think where maybe he got away with some stuff, not playing defense on our team, I'm not sure how that's going to work in Cleveland. So I would guess they're going to ask him to play more defense. And he's foul-prone."

It's a totally different tone he's taking from when he was still trying to convince Love to stay.

"I think Kevin, his offensive skills got better than I think we estimated. The only thing that I still have a question mark about will be his health. I had that concern then, I still have that concern and I think Cleveland should have that concern, too. If they sign him to a five-year contract like they're thinking about, I mean that's a big contract in a guy that's had sometimes where he's missed games."

That sounds consistent since the reason for their debacle now is their decision to offer only a four-year contract to Love when he was willing to stay in Minnesota for five years.

In the interview, Taylor also confided that "if he could do it all over again, he would have signed Love to the five-year maximum contract in 2012." Thus, he shouldn't question why Cleveland is going to do the exact same thing.

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