Real Housewives Of New Jersey Teresa Guidice Seeks Sympathy On Bravo! Criminal Tears Up After 41 Counts Of Fraud Stealing From Tax Payers ANd Flaunting Money On RHONJ

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Real Housewives Of New Jersey Teresa Guidice Seeks Sympathy On Bravo! The Real Housewives of New Jersey editors and producers must truly think we aren't reading up on our facts about Teresa and Joe and we're just trusting what we watch on the tube. Do they think we're falling for this sad attempt by Teresa to gain our sympathy? Bravo shows us a clip of Teresa on the ground praying to god for protection. Let Tre, too little too late. He is not listening to what YOU need anymore. And last week did Teresa actually tell Dina that she's 'ok with downsizing.' She better be after spending tax payers money for every other season of Housewives. We all know the wrongs that Tre and Joe have done. Well, Teresa Guidice, along with her criminal husband Joe Guidice, won't be getting an ounce of sympathy from me and hopefully other Housewives fans won't fall for their tears. They are criminals! But the network is doing a great job pulling out the pity card. Two weeks ago Teresa sees a psychic who tells her she'll be moving, actually downsizing, and that her husband Joe is not going to fully get away with his crimes. Am I supposed to feel bad for Teresa, who may not be able to live in a huge masion, while I'm in a studio apartment? Why should I care that her husband could go to jail and be deported for breaking the law!?  The Real Housewives of New Jersey premiere was good but now I just feel like Bravo is trying force feed me compassion for the convicted criminals. I'm getting tired of Bravo trying to make me feel bad for Teresa and Joe Guidice. They do not deserve our sympathy and not one viewer should be swayed by Teresa and Joe's story. They chose to commit fraud. Not us. Teresa and Joe did the crime and now they have to do the time! Teresa says she 'cries herself to sleep' and reassures her husband that 'it won't be there last Christmas together.' But sorry Teresa, not only will you not get sympathy from anyone but you are very wrong in what you think the future will bring.

 After Joe Guidice is sentenced to prison and finishes his term, there is a good chance the Real Housewives of New Jersey criminal will be deported. Teresa Guidice also tries to pull at our heartstrings saying on the Housewives confessionals that her problems are 'hanging over us' as her husband tears up as well. Boo Hoo Teresa. Am I supposed to forget that Joe Guidice ripped off the government and thousands of decent tax paying citizens? I'm supposed to forget that they cheated and defrauded the banks and when they filed for bankruptcy, they did not pay taxes? It's the rest of us that pay for it! And Teresa was throwing around money like her hands were on fire since season one of RHONJ. While most people work their butt out to make ends meat, Teresa Giudice is doing nothing but watching her husband scam the public. Teresa Giudice did the crime, and they should do the time and I don't like how Bravo is portraying them on Real Housewives of New Jersey. Joe and Tre should've thought about the welfare of their children before they became felons! And to this day.... Teresa is still selling her autograph for $25 cash so it doesn't have to be reported as income! Joe and Teresa Giudice think they are above the law and I was hoping Jersey Housewives would show they're guilty side, not just them tearing up. If Teresa and Joe actually cared about their children and wanted to protect them as much as they say they do, then they should not have let the kids film RHONJ this season. The whole legal mess for the Guidice family is clearly damaging the kids. Filming Real Housewives of New Jersey will just further hurt their four little girls but it just doesn't seem to matter to Teresa, who happily puts her children in the spotlight. But besides Teresa and Joe Guidice's legal drama on RHONJ, the garden state reality show has not been such a disappoinment this season. 

When you have Melissa Gorga as the main character, then you know it's time for New Jersey Housewives to possibly wrap up its fantastic run. Melissa is so boring that I'd rather see Caroline Manzo or Kathy Wakile! I'm supposed to feel sympathetic that the dull Jersey girl is staying in a rental home and care about her new garbage truck? Ratings are at an all time low in the Garden State. Maybe Jacqueline Laurita's return could bump up the drama and ratings, because people are clearly missing the old cast. But even a pblast from teh past probably can't save this dying show. Then there's the new Real Housewives of New jersey characters Amber Marchesa and the New Jersey 'funbag' twins, Nicole and Teresa Napolitano. Amber is controlling and has a huge case of OCD. I cannot tell Teresa and Nicole apart, but I don't think it really matters. They are the same person anyway. Even in the Opening of RHONJ, their taglines are said together as if they are one person! That's a first for the Housewives franchise and I kind of like it. Supposedly Teresa, Nicole and Amber will not be getting along with Teresa and Joe Guidice this season. According to Housewives insiders, the twins and Amber are butting into their business and talking about Teresa's fraud trial in a gossipy way. Soon the drama will get really bad as RHONJ heads to Atlantic City with Teresa Guidice at the center of all of the drama. I think the three newbies are a nice addition to the show, but it is time to get rid of Melissa Gorga, right? And it's time to stop painting Teresa Guidice as Mother Teresa. She's a criminal.

Here are some comments I thought were worth reposting:

Amber wrote: Boo hoo to you Teresa and your brawly husband. I don't think you're going to get too much compassion from your viewers based on the fact that you knew damn well what you were doing, in the public eye no less and you continued to do so without ever thinking of the consequences. I just feel sorry for their innocent children who they continue to display on TV, especially Gia whom we always see crying. This is so sad and they need to stop airing out their dirty laundry once and for all. What did you think of Real Housewives of New Jersey?

Nicole wrote: It is hard to have empathy for Joe and Teresa. They are liars, con artists and both fall somewhere on the sociopathic scale. You would think that at least they would have had the decency to not film their kids this year as their kids are undoubtedly being damaged by this whole mess. However, I am sure Teresa and Joe will document every second until they are sent away and Bravo will try to turn it into a spin off series. 

Jessica added: The theme of this season's RHONJ is crystal clear- paint Teresa and Joe in a positive light, trying to garner sympathy for these "poor,normal parents"; and to promote Teresa's upcoming dessert line and dessert cookbook. How many times are we going to have to hear Teresa pout about missing their "normal" life; and expound on her dessert line and book? The first episode we were shown her cooking "dessert" and mentioning the line and book and even on "Christmas" morning- "Oh, look, an easy bake oven-now you can make desserts like Mommy". Please, enough of the product promoting, Bravo!! Does the network get a percentage or something?? As for their troubles, Joe proclaims to Teresa- "we just need to keep moving forward, making money"- really- that's the important part? He professes that he can't imagine life without his girls, and then adds Teresa in as an afterthought- I'm surprised that he didn't mention how he's going to miss his mistress(es?)! Pathetic- 

Jamey wrote: Are we supposed to feel sorry for them? They confessed to multiple crimes. They claim to be bankrupt, in all recent articles on them, they are still living the high life. When they were committing their crimes, I wonder if their daughters ever crossed their minds? Obviously, they were too arrogant to think they'd ever be caught, much less convicted. 

In case you didn't know, Teresa and her husband Joe Giudice plead guilty to some of their fraud charges. We will find out their sentences shortly after the Guidices opted for a plea deal.

Below is a summary of their previous charges:

1) Mail Fraud and Wire Fraud: The indictment states that between 2001-2008, using the U.S. mail, private carriers and wire communications, they defrauded 7 different banks and mortgage lenders.

2) Bank Fraud: The indictment states 5 banks were defrauded by submitting applications with false tax returns, pay stubs, and W-2s that gave false salaries and income. In total they stole $4.5 million from various banks.

3) Loan Application Fraud: For making false statements in those bank loan applications

4) Bankruptcy Fraud: Concealment, False Oaths, False Declarations. These are 22 different counts alone. In essence, they lied to the BK courts (under oath) about their finances and they knowingly filed false documents to conceal their income. That's perjury. Tre & Joe never withdrew their bankruptcy, the courts denied their petition on suspicion of fraud.

5) Failure to Make Tax Returns: These counts are all against Joe, and claim he didn't file tax returns from 2004-2008.

6) Teresa signed false loan application claiming she was a real estate broker earning $50,000 per month.

Joe Giudice, whose real first name is Giuseppe, is an Italian citizen. Thus, he could face deportation after he serves time.

The pattern of alleged fraud may have lasted a decade," U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said.

"They're serious charges," he said.

"Today I took responsibility for a series of mistakes I made several years ago...I am heartbroken that this is affecting my family. Especially my four young daughters, who mean more to me than anything in the world," Teresa Giudice said in a public statement read by her lawyer after the Newark hearing where she and her husband admitted their guilt.

The couple are parents to daughters Gia, 13, Gabriella, 11, Milania, 9, and Audriana, 5 who are completely innocent in their parents' mess.

'Andrew' wrote to me: Put the whole family in jail, yes even the brattish children as they will be the next generation of theives!

Zach7464 wrote:Yes, I agree with your post. I stopped watching them and RHONJ a longtime ago...seasons ago. Teresa and Joe Giudice are criminals and should serve prison time for stealing millions of dollars and living the high life illegally and then filing for bankruptcy. Meanwhile millions of Americans struggle to pay back their student loans while working two jobs and caring for their families including aging and sick parents. I can't stand both of them and I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for anyone who breaks the law especially 41 counts of financial fraud. Disgusting scum. Also, don't expect a harsh sentence because it's obvious someone is getting paid under the table! 

TXlokita wrote: What do I think? I think your article is spot on truthful. I mean let's get real, the note that Gia "gave" her mom... really in all the episodes and seasons prior she pushes Tre away, calls her by her 1st name and just plain disrespects her. But since daddy was holding the dough she was closer to him. What the hell... that big gigantic ring she got was it fake? Or they needed to say it was from the grandparent to keep it as an heirloom. I don't feel sorry for them at all. Now she asked for God's protection for breaking one of God's commandments. know the one Guidice Thou shall not steal! She better not get a spin off. That would just send out a bad message to the world.By the way Tre did the ALS ice bucket challenge and was going to write a hefty donation check tooo? WTH.

WHat do you think of Teresa? 

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