Ramona Singer Saved By Real Housewives Of New York City! [VIDEO] Bravo Fires Heather Kristen Carole Aviva And Sonja Morgan From RHONY But Keeps Pinot Queen

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Ramona Singer Saved By Real Housewives Of New York City! With the exception of Singer, Real Housewives execs at Bravo have reportedly put the entire cast of New York City  on the chopping block. We're not sure exactly who will get to keep their job, but it appears Ramona Singer has already made the cut. Bummer! If there is even a slight doubt that Ramona won't be saved, then she should tell producers that next season she will open up about her divorce adn start dating again on camera. Wouldn't it be fun to watch Ramona adn Sonja go on double dates in New York City! However, after the second part of the Housewives reunion, Andy Cohen may be regretting keeping Ramona! The pair were at war, as Singer refused to open up about her husband Mario Singer and his highly publicized cheating scandal. Ramona said to Andy, "So, how's your love life? Who are you going to have sex with tonight? Tell me." "I'll tell you when I go on a reality show," he said. "You're on a reality show," Singer retorted. "I'm actually not, honey," Cohen zinged back. Just like this perfectly juicy feud, the Real Housewives of New York reunion was able to deliver, but all the Housewives jobs are still on the line. On WWHL with Andy Cohen, after the Real Housewives of New York City finale, Ramona hinted that she would be returning next season. A caller asked why Ramona was being such a bully this season after saying she was going to be nicer. Ramona responded that she 'would be nicer next season' and Ramona was very confident with those words without using her usual eyeroll sarcasm. This reiterated the claim that the network will be saving Singer from losing her job.  Besides Singer, the network has placed each New York Housewives character on the chopping block. The number of viewers tuning into New York Housewives has dropped drastically since last season. The reunion was great, and the finale was really enjoyable and the leg throwing incident was entertaining, but even all of the Housewives ganging up on Aviva and driving her so mad that she slams her prosthetic leg on a dinner table is not good enough for the Housewives to keep their spots. The last few episodes before the finale were incerdibly boring.

Kristen and her husband's marital problems were infuriating and painful to watch. Although Kristen said her relationship is better than ever now, Josh was such an unappreciative stubborn man ans not fun to analyze. Just to add to the boring NYC Housewives season, we knew Luanne Delesseps had already broken up with Jack so there was no shock in that storyline. Ramona bullying Luanne about only singing with autotune or calling her LuMan is supposed to be entertaining? We already knew Ramona has the maturity of a high school mean girl and that Luanne can't sing for sh*t. There is nothing new anymore on Real Housewives. Somehow Ramona Singer has once again miraculously been able to crawl her way through the cracks, keeping her reality TV spot for another season on New York Houswives. At first we thought Ramona was saved because she's be open to discuss her cheating husband, making epic Housewives televison. But on The Real Housewives of New York City reunion, Ramona refused to talk about her marital status. Does the Pinot drinking upper east sider just have 9 lives? It's hard to believe that my least favorite New York housewife was saved by the network instead of giving the newer Housewives a second, or third, chance. I was really pulling for Kristen Taekman. The blond model was really was dynamite at the Housewives reunion. After her first New York Housewives season where Kristen came off a tad weak in front of her husband, Heather, and Ramona, I was so proud of the newbie for not letting anyone put her down and she really let the other Housewives know how she felt about them. Unlike Ramona Singer, Kristen has great qualities. She never gets too flustered and deals with her anger through humor and it is very enjoyable to watch. But Taekman could possibly also be saved by Real Housewives!  She got the best seat in the house at the New York reunion, planted right next to host Andy Cohen. So why is Ramona the only housewife in New York that was completely saved? I personally don't think it's a good decision by Bravo. U

Unfortunately, I was just starting to like Carol Radzwill and Heather was warming up to me as well. But Singer consistently brings the drama on Housewives and Bravo executives treat Ramona like royalty since joining the cast in season 1. But the truth is Ramona is getting old and Housewives fans are growing tired of the mother of one. It's pretty outrageous that Heather, Kristen, Carole, Aviva, and even Ramona Singer's BFF Sonja Morgan are all in jeopardy of losing their jobs at Real Housewives of New York City. If RHONY axes their entire cast, will Bravo hire a whole new cast or will they just cancel the New York show altogether? Well, according to Real Housewives of New York City insiders, the show is here to stay but major changes are needed since ratings for Real Housewives of New York City really plummeted. New York City Housewives has been more boring to watch than watching Sonja Morgan perform her burlesque show!  Watching Ramona get her fat loosened and her husband singing a slow love ballad. SNORE. Sonja getting a proposal from Harry Dubin was so staged. Kristen calls Heather 'bossy' and the ladies go to a rodeo. MORE SNORE!  New York City is getting beat by all of the other Real Housewives shows in the franchise. So Bravo really needs to change things up. It's shocking that a huge metropolis as big, diverse, busy, and rich as New York City could not bring as much drama and energy as Real Housewives of New Jersey and even Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or Atlanta. Even Real Housewives of Orange County is beating RHONY in the ratings. When Ramona Singer is the most interesting character on a show, we know the there's major trouble. Bravo wants to start fresh with a new Housewives cast alongside Ramona instead of axing the entire show. Auditions for the Real Housewives of New York City are underway to replace every Housewives character except Ramona Singer, whose job is secure. A source close to the Real Housewives of New York City revealed that "the new cast will be over-the-top wealthy and very charismatic with multiple estates which most likely will bring about fabulous attitudes and a lot of drama. The ladies just aren't connecting with viewers and they need something major to happen to them. Bravo doesn't want to cancel the series because New York is the unofficial capital of the United States. The amount of wealth concentrated into such a small area makes it a major draw. The entire cast are all expected to get pink slips. Ramona Singer will most be offered a contract to come back. Aviva Drescher may also be invited to return to Housewives but will be "offered a much smaller role, or a series guest star." So we still can't get rid of Aviva Drescher? We were so close to cleaning out her out of Housewives for good. I'd rather keep Ramona over Aviva any day.

'LTK' wrote: Good job bravo you created this mess the show is in. Aviva and Ramona did the most damage to all the ladies and you gave them the pass to continue acting like two insane witches. They are disgusting to watch and have poor storyline. Those two are the white trash of the show. Andy isn't fun to watch because he is weak minded and afraid to open his mouth on defending the ladies on everything that has happen this season. Heather, Carole, Luann, and Kristen show form there own show for TV associated with New York. Truly bravo drop the ball on this one and is making the ladies pay for it. Dump Aviva and Ramona who the viewers and fans don't care for and bring in two new ladies to replace them! Bravo is the BS show of all TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you think changing the entire cast of Real Housewives of New York City is a good move for Bravo?

Sheildman wrote: Do a show with Heather, Carole, Kristen, Duchess, they are intelligent women,writing books, raising kids, husbands businesses without a lot of hurtful drama. It's a good group of very witty , strong-willed women helping each other. I love them I wish I knew them xoxox 

'DanceMom': Who at BRAVO is Mario paying off to keep her busy on this show? 

'Appyu':yeah, if Heahter, Carole, Kristen and Lu are all gone and its Ramona and Aviva left... I wont bother with the next season. I already fast forward through Ramona and Aviva (thank goodness for DVR!) 

Jdean wrote: LuAnn and Sonja are the only ones I tune in to watch. Kristen's relationship with her husband is so abusive its disturbing to watch. Ramona is mentally I'll with a cheating scoundrel of a husband and she is drowning her pain in alcohol (also hard to eat h). Heather is like this big masculine bully snob that I just mute because she is so boring. Aviva...uh where do I start? PS Aviva stop trying to make yourself relevant with your perverse dad....it was funny the first time not the 50th. And Carole is like this stoner chick who still thinks she's 20 yrs old. I don't get her. They just want to keep Ramona on to see if they can get a few clips of the divorce/cheating drama with Mario. Bravo wake up we don't like this whole cast. 

NJ Expat wrote: Thank thank thank you! Aviva is finally gone. I'll miss most of the other Housewives. 

Ida Belle said: I miss the first Housewives of New York. I loved Jill and Luann with their lovely homes. You know Bravo needs to understand that we or I watch because of the decor of their homes, their families, housekeepers and interesting lives that they bring to the show. Also it's wonderful to see New York City. I love to watch the Ladies of London, their mouths are so clean. You will loose viewers because you have become X rated. Don't be so trashy! 

Bravo Addict wrote: Boooo... I don't like Ramona. Immature, rude and selfish. I don't agree with cheating spouses but I am not surprised Mario went looking for anything different. Karma indeed.

Sherry wrote: I don't mind Ramona but I can't stand Aviva or the spoiled whining Kristen, I hope they go. I've always like Heather and LuAnn so I especially want them to stay.

What do you think of Bravo keeping Ramon Singer? 

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