IU, 'Mental Breakdown' At the Heat... Cute Mistake during Concert in Japan

Singer IU made a cute mistake of forgetting her song order and comments at the concert in Japan.

On July 18, YouTube showed a video of IU at the Japanese FujiTV music program "Mezamashi Live."

On this day, IU sang 5 songs, including "You & I" in Japanese. She came out in a red dress and a ponytail.

After her song, she said in Japanese, "Today's really hot. Ah, it's really hot. Everyone's hot right now, right?" Then she said, "My head became weird because it's so hot. There were lines that I prepared to say", murmuring.

On this day, Japan was 34 degrees Celsius, and dancing and singing in this heat made IU forget what to say.

After she sang the 4 songs she prepared, she said "Here is the last song." Then, she said "Last song?", and laughing, said "The song I just sang was the last song. I'm supposed to leave right now... but I was here. I'll leave now."

IU then let the audience know that there's an encore song too, and she herself said, "I want to hear encore. Encore! Encore!" while leaving the stage. At this, the audience members yelled for encore, and IU shyly came back on stage and sang her encore song.

Japanese internet users who saw this commented, "So cute," "She must have been so hot," and "She was so cute on this day."

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Mezamashi Live
Fuji TV
