God Loves Gays Billboard At Westboro Baptist Church’s City Goes Viral; ‘Facebook God’ Raised $80,000 For Sign

God Loves Gay billboard posted in Topeka, KS, famously known as the city where the notorious Westboro Baptist Church is based, is getting attention beyond the motorists who see the sign daily.

The billboard caught the attention of mainstream media as well as prominent digital media sites. The story of Mashable titled “God Just Trolled the Westboro Baptist Church So Hard,” about the billboards have already been shared more than 100,000 times.

According to KWCH, a group known as “The Facebook God” has raised more than $80,000 to pay for the billboard that reads “God Loves Gays,” located near 21st and Western in the capitol city.

The page of “The Facebook God” boasts 1.7 million likes and they used crowdfunding site IndieGogo to generate funds for the message. The site’s Indiegogo page says that the group aims to promote love.

According to someone named “God,” from the Facebook Page, he is working with Equality House in Topeka on the campaign. The “God” also mentioned that the billboard maybe up for one year or a “perhaps much longer.”

The website GodLovesGayPeople.com, which is linked from the popular Facebook Page outlines their plan as the following:

“The world needs to know that God loves gay people. That’s why I’m asking for your help in making this billboard happen for as long as possible.”

The initial goal was for $50,000 to make the billboard, with “extended goals” if the donation goes beyond that to include donations to The Trevor Project, National Alliance to End Homelessness, and another billboard in the city.

The campaign intends to counter the notions of Westboro Baptist Church members which heralds the message of God hating gay people.

In its message outlining the “Why” of the campaign it writes:

“This evil lie has been put into the world by bigots like them for thousands of years. The time has come to right this wrong.”

“God LOVES gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people!”

“BEHOLD! God is tired of having hate-speech put into his mouth by bigots. Therefore, the LORD shall put up a billboard in Topeka, Kansas that declares to all that ‘God Loves Gays’!”

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