Chick Fil A Banned in California: Ventura High School Principal Val Wyatt Outlaws Sandwiches Over Gay Rights; Worried that Food is Offensive [PHOTO]

The Daily Caller reports that Ventura High School Principal Val Wyatt has banned her school's football booster club from selling Chick-Fil-A sandwiches during a back-to-school fundraiser. The ban is due to her disagreement about gay marriage with the current President of the Atlanta fast food store chain.

Ventura High School is located in the coastal town of Ventura, California. Wyatt told the Ventura County Star, "With their political stance on gay rights and because the students of Ventura High School and their parents would be at the event, I didn't want [the sandwiches] on campus," making her reasons clear.

Trudy Tuttle Ariaga, superintendent of the Ventura Unified School District, commented, "We value inclusivity and diversity on our campus, and all our events and activities are going to adhere to our mission," showing her support for the sentiment.

In the past, New York Mayor Bloomberg addressed the Chick-Fil-A gay rights controversy, stating that the fast food chain has rights to its views on same-sex marriage. Fox News seems to agree with this, and reports that Wyatt's decision is an "unfortunate act of poultry bigotry."

According to Fox, local Chick-Fil-A owner Robert Shaffer generously offered to give the school's booster club 200 meals for the back-to-school event, which was expected to raise $1,600 for the football team. Booster club President Dan Swim stated, "That would have gone toward the football program, everything from uniforms to food for the boys...we don't charge money for the boys to play football," conveying his disappointment in the ban.

The Daily Caller reports that local parent Michelle Cisneros was enraged. "Everybody is embraced...and Chick-Fil-A should have been allowed to be here," she stated.

However, national awareness of the Chick-Fil-A chain's stance on gay marriage is high. Dan Cathy, the current CEO of the company, has said in radio interviews that same-sex marriage is "inviting God's judgment on our nation." What do you think of the school ban? 

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Ventura High School
Val Wyatt
same sex marriage
