IU Suffers From The Monday Blues?

Singer IU has the Monday blues too?

IU tweeted on July 22nd, "I just want to play for one more day! No. No. No. Don't leave", desperately begging for Sunday not to end.

IU continued, "Oh no, 'Gag Concert' just ended. Eeak," expressing her disapointment that Monday would be coming soon.

On July 20th, IU tweeted that she'd be on a three day break. She tweeted her disapointment, as her break would be ending after being able to rest from her busy schedules. when she announced that she had a 3 day breakafter a long period of busy work and schedules.

Internet users who saw the tweets commented, "IU has the Monday Blues too?", "Moooooonday, Tuuuuuesday, Weeeednesday, Thuuursday, Friday?", and "Mondays that I want to escape - IU has the Monday Blues, I have the Monday Blues".

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