iPhone 6 and 6 Plus 'Too Thin' It Bends In Your Pocket: WATCH iPhone 6 Plus Fail Bend Test

The iPhone 6 Plus has a new feature that Apple conveniently forgot to tell us about... it bends!

New owners of the latest Apple device had taken to Social Media and MacRumors forum to complain about their bent phones after they carried their phone in their pockets just days after the launch.

In one instance, a new iPhone 6 Plus was bent during a day of dancing, dining, and driving to a wedding:

User "hanzoh" wrote on MacRumors:

"Yesterday, I left at 10am with the iPhone in my left FRONT pocket of my suit pants. I drove 4 hours to a wedding, which also involved a lot of sitting during dinner etc but also 2-3 hours of dancing. I left at 2am and went to bed, driving home 4 hours back. So in total, the 6 Plus was about 18 hours in my pocket while sitting mostly. As I lay it on the coffee table and sat down on the couch to relax from the drive (yes, sitting again), I saw the reflection of the window in the iPhones slightly distorted."

Yikes! A bent iPhone 6 Plus would seriously affect its performance. Batteries and displays are not meant to bend for a reason... unless they're designed to do so from the outset like the curved LG G Flex, of course. If your display panel gets damaged, you could experience issues like brightness irregularities at the edge of the screen, dead pixels, or colors striping across the screen.

Display Mate President Raymond Senoira recently published a detailed analysis of the iPhone and 6 Plus' displays in comparison to other leading mobile displays on the market. He tells Wired Online:

"LCDs are made with delicate front and back glass panels. Even if they don't break, putting mechanical stress on them could affect the critical alignment between the front and back glass layers, which would then significantly affect the display performance and image quality."

As iPhones get thinner and larger, just storing the handset in your pocket become riskier. Pressure points from sitting or bending now have greater potential to cause the longer iPhone 6 Plus to flex in a way that will damage the device.

Following this morning's news, YouTube video maker Lewis Hilsenteger of Unbox Therapy created a video to see how much an iPhone 6 will bend when subjected to force.

Hilsenteger noted that the weak point appears to be the part where the button cutouts are located, adding aluminum tends to bend.

Bending issues, however were not only limited to the iPhone 6 Plus, as previous generations of the iPhone, including the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 5s have also seen complaints of bending after being subjected to a pocket.

Now to prevent bending, iPhone 6 Plus owners may want to remove their iPhones from their pockets before sitting or bending. If a pocket is unavoidable, then customers may want to place their device in a roomier pocket that allows the device to slide out the way. Or get a rigid case to provde protection to from flexing or bending, as well damage from dropping the device.

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