‘The Simpsons, Family Guy’ Crossover Episode Criticized For Rape Joke; Find Out The Four Words Stewie Said About Rape [WATCH]

While it has not yet premiered, "The Simpsons, Family Guy" crossover episode is already under fire because of Stewie Griffin's joke about rape. The controversial line already made its debut last July when the trailer for the crossover episode aired.

In the said "The Simpsons" meets "Family Guy" episode clip, Bart Simpson was teaching Stewie how to make a prank phone call. To set an example, Bart selected local bartender Moe as his victim. Upon calling Moe's Tavern, Stewie said: "Hello Moe, your sister's being raped."

Several organizations specifically the Parents Television Council have expressed concern over the episode's seemingly insensitive view of rape. In a press release, PTC member Tim Winter said:

"Rape is never a laughing matter. Never. But particularly in light of our nation's growing concern for high-profile cases of domestic abuse; and particularly at a time when rape on college and university campuses appears to be endemic; it is simply indefensible for a broadcaster to use the publicly-owned airwaves to make tasteless and senseless jokes about rape. Today, we urgently renew our call on the Fox Broadcast Network - as well as the creators of The Simpsons and Family Guy - to remove the rape joke and any others from Sunday's crossover episode broadcast."

On the other hand, Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network spokesperson Katherine Hill Fliflet said nothing's wrong with the joke: "In context, it's pretty funny. I think the show is making it clear that rape is not funny by how they are positioning the joke."

The "Simpsons, Family Guy" crossover episode will air on September 28. The controversial rape joke can be viewed starting at 0:48:

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Simpsons Meets Family Guy
Simpsons Family Guy Crossover
