Deaths From Ebola Outbreak Now At 3,000 Mark, Reports Say

There are now 3,000 reported deaths caused by the Ebola outbreak, BBC reported.

Quoting World Health Organization figures, the report stated that the disease's fatalities have hit the 3,000 mark and has reportedly infected more than 6,000 people with Liberia hardest hit by the outbreak.

With this, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released $130 million in financial assistance to help combat the disease, which appears to be spreading instead of slowing down.

"The IMF is working hard with the authorities of the affected countries and their development partners to ensure that the outbreak is quickly brought under control and to assist the economic rebuilding effort that must follow," a statement from IMF managing director Christine Lagarde stated.

  Guinea will get $41 Million, Sierra Leone, $40 million and Liberia, $49 million.

Liberia is said to be affected the hardest with reported deaths of almost 1,700.

In last week's high-level meetings at the United Nations, United States President Barack Obama said that the global response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is not" fast enough' and that there is still a lack in efforts in addressing it.

 "But I want us to be clear: We are not moving fast enough. We are not doing enough," the president said. "There is still a significant gap between where we are and where we need to be," New York Times quoted the president as saying in his speech.

He urged other world leaders and non-governmental agencies to beef up global efforts to fight the disease. The US has deployed more men to help build treatment centers in affected areas.

Earlier WHO said that infections could reach 20,000 with reported new cases every week.

The UN meanwhile said $1 Billion is needed to fight the disease and aside from aid, the countries affected are also in need of medical supplies, health workers, volunteers and nurses.

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