`Sex and the City 3’ On the Way? Kim Cattrall Welcomes Sarah Jessica Parker `Sex and the City’ Sequel Hints

Sex and The City 3: A Kim Cattrall interview will always turn to "Sex and the City." Especially after Sarah Jessica Parker has been hinting about a new sequel. The once and future Samantha Jones calls her time on "Sex and the City" a "Valentine experience" and welcomes the chance to put on stilettos for a third movie.

Speaking to ABC News, Cattrall said "Occasionally I'm at someone's house or I'm flipping through the channels and I come upon the scene [in the show] and it makes me feel so good. I think the show stands up and I'm so proud of it. I'd love to come back, but it's a very high bar and we'd need to get everybody back there and scheduling is difficult for people's lives but always! I revisit it all the time."

A recent Kim Cattrall interview in Cosmopolitan touched on the possibilities of a third "Sex and The City" film. Cattrall was asked if she knew any more about the third film behind the hints Sarah Jessica Parker has been throwing.

"I really don't. I think Sarah said she thought there was another story to be told. I don't have any insight as to what that story is. I hope that it would be a terrific one, which I'm sure it would. Usually actors are the last to know. It's the studio saying yes, then getting the creative team together, seeing if the things they're telling her are true and if we move forward. I think if we do, it would be a blast."

Cosmopolitan pointed out that If SATC 3 hits theaters, the characters will probably be going through menopause and asked how the characters might respond.

"It's so individual," Catrall told the magazine. "I really wouldn't even want to guess; I never wrote any script or storylines. But I'd want to think that Samantha, of course having been through menopause and probably still going through it, she would probably have the most information to impart as she usually did. I like to think of her leading [the other characters] to get proactive, tune in, and find out what's going on so they can continue and get back to their lives ... I'm not a screenwriter, but I think that Carrie would be more embarrassed about it, probably, opening up less about it. Miranda would want to know the specifics. And Charlotte would be in some ways what she always was: romantic. She'd idealize it in one way or another. Those are the character traits that we've come to know and love. But also the writers would probably have great surprises for the characters."

Cattrall says that her character Samantha has already faced the changes. Speaking to Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani in the Huffington Post, she said  "My first brush with menopause was actually as Samantha Jones, because she was going through her first hot flash experience and it was incorporated into an episode of 'Sex and the City.'"

"I'm a pretty diligent actress -- I wanted to portray this part of her life very truthfully and I went to my doctor at the time and I said 'Listen, I have this storyline, how can you help me make this real and truthful?'" Cattrall said.

"I was actually having Kim's first hot flash, and it was nothing like Samantha's," she continued. "It was quite earth shaking. It was like being put in a vat of boiling water."

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