Donald Trump Becomes Twitter Laughing Stock: Millionaire Tricked By Internet Troll To Retweet Serial Killers' Photo, Threatens To Sue

Aside from being known as a multi-millionaire, Donald Trump, has gained quite a reputation for being active on social media, specifically on Twitter. He's also quick to respond to queries and voice out his opinions on a variety of subject matters. Oh and he also generously retweets charity appeals and requests from time to time... but maybe he should consider laying low for a while.

The tycoon and US Apprentice guy was sent a photo of a couple by a Twitter user called "@feckhead" with the message:

"My parents who passed away always said you were a big inspiration. Can you please RT for their memory?"

Being the good guy that he is, Trump retweeted the image, not knowing that the picture was of notorious British serial killers Fred and Rose West.

Yikes! Couldn't he have guessed based on the troll's username?

The tycoon later, upon realizing his mistake, deleted the message. Unfortunately, it was already widely shared on the social media site.

As reported by the Daily Mail, five hours after the original post, the Trump finally responded to netizens and said:

"Some jerk fraudulently tweeted that his parents said I was a big inspiration to them + pls RT-out of kindness I retweeted. Maybe I'll sue.

"I thought I was being nice to somebody re their parents. I guess this teaches you not to be nice or trusting. Sad!"

As they say, you can never be too cautious on the internet, looks like Trump learned this the hard way!

Fred West was reportedly charged with a dozen murders in Gloucester but killed himself before the trial in 1995. Meanwhile, his wife, Rose West, was convicted of 10 murders and was sentenced for lifetime imprisonment.

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