Ed Sheeran Holds House Party With Prime Minister David Cameron; Dedicates Song To Britain's Highest Official

Separated by two different walks of life and age brackets, Ed Sheeran and British Prime Minister are a very unlikely duo to party together but they did on an informal house party event, the Daily Mail reports. Sheeran declared this at the Q and A of the Amazon Front Row on the Amazon office on Tuesday.

The 23-year old Give Me Love singer is said to have been entertaining his audience when the British highest official came inside the venue and somebody in the crowd alerted him of Cameron's presence.

'I was performing at an intimate house gig when I looked up and David Cameron had arrived randomly. He was singing along in the corner. Someone stopped me and asked me if I would dedicate a song to him, but all I had left to perform was A-Team, so I had to go with that and say, "this one's for David," the red-haired singer said.

The Conservative Party leader came in when the Sing vocalist is about to play his last song, A-team, a song said to describe a prostitute.

The I See Fire popstar is quick to hint that Cameron's visit in the said party does not have any bearing on any political agenda and that the official is just there to join the singing.

"It wasn't in that situation where you're in a meet and greet at 10 Downing Street, I was playing a gig and he came down and he was singing."

Gigwise said that the Prime Minister is notorious for his unannounced visits in informal parties. On September, he came announced at a Haim concert gig on TV with the vocalist dedicating their hit single, The Wire to Cameron.

"That was for you DC, it's all about you."

Meanwhile, Ed shared that he lived a low-key life before joining the music industry. Further, he expressed his excitement to collaborate with Red artist, Taylor Swift.

"I've recorded some more songs with Taylor Swift, but it's just a case of finding out where to put them as I don't really put collaborations on my albums. She did her last record, 1989, really quickly, in about a month, I think, so there was no time to put any on there," he said.

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