Kate Winslet Talks About Her Relationship With Leonardo Dicaprio; Says They Never Snog

Seventeen years after their movie hit Titanic, the Kate Winslet-Leonardo Dicaprio tandem still holds resonance through these years that made the public ask if the two have really dated or had a relationship at one point. E! Online reports some of answers of the award-winning actress about the special friendship she and Leo have kept all these years that can be read fully in the Novelber issue of Marie Claire UK.

""I think the reason that friendship works is because there was never any romantic thing. It's so disappointing for people to hear that, because in the soap opera of the Kate and Leo story we fell in love at first sight and had a million snogs, but actually we never did. He always saw me as one of the boys; I've never really been a girly-girl. We needed each other to lean on because we were very young and working all kinds of crazy bloody hours and it was a shock to the system'" the 40-year old actress told Marie Claire.

It is remembered that Leo was there in the actress' wedding in 2012 when she exchanged vows with husband Ned Rocknroll.

The magazine also asked how the busy actress balanced her time between her career and her personal life especially being a mother. In the end, she still said, showbiz people like her are still lucky despite the busy schedule.

"We've heard a lot from actresses recently about how difficult it is. But we should never be saying that it's difficult because we are so bloody lucky. It's just not an ok thing to share. It's always a juggle, but isn't it for every working mother? The thing for me personally that is a difficult transition is that my life at home is just so different to my life at work. It doesn't matter which of the two is harder, it's the emotional - rather than logistic-jump from one place to another that's difficult. The juggling of it all..."

Dicaprio also affirmed that he and Kate has a special emotional connection.

Huffington Post cited a statement from Leonardo Dicaprio in his interview in Express. The actor said, "We laugh at the same things. She never lets me take myself seriously, even if I wanted to. We have a special magic."

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