Mariah Carey Slammed For Bad Performance In Tokyo Concert 2014; Is It Time To Retire?

Weeks after the big breakup Mariah Carey has experienced with ex-husband Nick Cannon, she faces yet another controversy--this time it is about her performance at the Elusive Chanteuse World Tour 2014 in Tokyo on October 4 as she is alleged not to hit her notes accurately and had completely lost her diva powers.

Daily Mail Online collated comments from fans who have watched the concert.

Elle, Twitter said: "It's a wrap for Mariah Carey's singing career. You're a legend. Time to retire."

Another Twitter user named Peaches & Herbs have watched the video of the concert and commented: 'Y'all. Mariah Carey really can't sing anymore. That was hard to listen to...'Mariah Carey should've bowed out right when her voice was giving out. Save herself the embarrassment.

One of the most obvious flops in her concert is when he is singing her all-time hit "We Belong Together" and suddenly the butterfly decoration is detached from her mic. She went on singing for a few minutes but halted and apologized to her audience saying, "Wait a minute. I can't go on."

Sources from TMZ have also watched the video and confirmed that the 44-year old singer suffered from voice problems.  More often, they said that there are times that the hitmaker forgets the lyrics of a song.

"Carey kicked off her Elusive Chanteuse World Tour last night in Tokyo ... and based on the video -- as well as multiple others online -- it's clear she couldn't hit the high notes she's famous for. During some portions of the concert, it seemed like Mariah forgot the lyrics ... however it's possible her microphone gave out -- since the stand broke during her performance of "We Belong Together," TMZ said.

Mariah Carey will be touring in Asia for the whole October for the Elusive Chanteuse World Tour and will continue to do so in Australia and New Zealand 

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