Ghostbusters 3 News: Director Paul Feig Says It Will Be A Hard Reboot As He Hinted An All Female Team!

Since 1990s, there have been numerous versions of Ghostbusters 3 in the works. One version centers on the original cast getting transported to a hellish version of Manhattan while other revolves around younger and hiper cast who take over from the originals.

But finally, it looks like that the film will soon be a reality. Paul Feig, who directed the blockbuster Oscar nominated 2011 film Bridesmaids has confirmed that he will be helming the long-awaited film Ghostbusters 3, which will be written by Katie Dippold (The Heat).

Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly, Feig explained his plans for the film and how he got involved with Ghostbusters 3.

"I had lunch with [Sony Pictures co-chairman] Amy Pascal when I got back to town. She was just saying, gosh, nobody wants to do ['Ghostbusters 3'] I said, yeah, it's really hard to take that on, especially since its 25 years later. How do you come back into a world that's had these ghosts and all this? It just felt too difficult. How do you do it and not screw it up?"

He further added, "But then it was bugging me for the next few days because 'Ghostbusters' is such a great thing and everybody knows it, and it's such a great world. It's a shame to just let this thing sit there. I want to see another one. My favorite thing to do is work with funny women. I was like, what if it was an all-female cast? If they were all women?  Suddenly, my mind kind of exploded: that would be really fun. And then I thought, well, what if we just make it new? It's not coming into the world that existed before. It's always hard if the world has gone through this big ghost attack, how do you do it again? I wanted to come into our world where there's talk of ghosts but they're not really credible, and so what would happen in our world if this happened today?"

Though this is not a confirmation that the new Ghostbuster movie will feature a all-female cast, but this apparently could be the first official word from someone who is directly working on the film that the next Ghostbuster film will be a hard reboot. World of Ghostbusters 3 will definitely be very different from what we saw in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2.

Feig explained how Ghostbusters 3 will be a "restart," saying, "I love origin stories. That's my favorite thing. I love the first one so much I don't want to do anything to ruin the memory of that. So it just felt like, let's just restart it because then we can have new dynamics. I want the technology to be even cooler. I want it to be really scary, and I want it to happen in our world today that hasn't gone through it so it's like, oh my God what's going on?

[...] Both [screenwriter Katie Dippold] and I are obsessed with how do we make comedy really scary? The sequel to 'The Heat' was going to be pretty scary and funny. Almost like in a 'Silence of the Lambs' type thing but funny. I think funny people in peril and in danger is one of the best forms of comedy, and I really like things to play very real while funny things are happening. So that's what both Katie and I really want to do with this one is make it crazy funny but also you're scared at the same time."

If Ghostbusters reboot will make an attempt to be scary, it will be a major shift for the franchise, however, what exactly Feig mean by that is not clear as his idea of scary might be several levels below The Conjuring. We will have to wait to find out.

Also, will the original cast members, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson make a cameo appearance in the next Ghostbusters film? Feig said, "Well, I mean, look, those are my comedy heroes. So as far as I'm concerned, anybody wants to come back I welcome with open arms. It would just be in different roles now, but it would be fun to figure out how to do that."

Talking about the new costumes and hardwares we can expect to see in the film, Feig said, "Everything is up for grabs right now. I look at this the same way a superhero movie launches where it's always fun to see, like, what are they going to do with the costumes this time? What are they going to do with the hardware this time? It's not going to be, here is the exact same stuff. It's also not going to go, screw you, if you like that stuff, it's all completely different."

Considering the fact superhero movies, TV shows etc. are pretty big deal right now; it's not surprising that Feigh would prefer this new Ghostbuster film to a superhero movie.

What do you think about Paul Feig's Ghostbusters reboot? Drop us a line in the comments.

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