Iron Man Actor On Doctor Who Role As Season 8 Episode 10 Synopsis Gets Leaked: Watch Foxes Perform On 'Mummy On The Orient Express'

As "Doctor Who" season 8 continues to air on BBC, news on the series keep coming in, particularly from a certain actor portraying an iron-clad superhero.

During a recent Reddit AMA, Robert Downey Jr. was asked if he would ever appear on "Doctor Who," which the actor responded generously.

"It's funny you'd bring that up," wrote Robert Downey Jr. "A writer asked me to watch a particular episode about a month ago, in hopes of helping us break story on a project. An incredible series. Anything's possible."

But don't get your hopes up, as some Whovians are skeptical that the highest-paid actor in Hollywood would appear on "Doctor Who."

"Apparently he recently said the exact same thing about 'Agents of Shield,'" commented Yael Moise on DoctorWhoTV.

"Personally, I'm not taking this as anything more than a throwaway line. I'm more excited about the prospect of Peter Jackson directing ['Doctor Who'], to be honest. Partly because it's Peter Jackson, but mostly because that's actually slightly further along than this."

Meanwhile, the episode 10 synopsis for "Doctor Who" season 8 has surfaced, previewing for fans what is coming in the series.

"One morning, in every city and town in the world, the human race wakes up to face the most surprising invasion yet. Everywhere, in every land, a forest has grown overnight and taken back the Earth. It doesn't take the Doctor long to discover that the final days of humanity have arrived..."

But before episode 10 arrives, this Saturday will see the Doctor on the Orient Express along with pop star Foxes, who will be making a cameo performance.

Now, you can check out the Foxes cameo in the video courtesy of Digital Spy right here.

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