Robert Downey Jr. Son Pleads Guilty To Felony Cocaine Possession; 'Iron Man' To Inspire Indio To Stay Out Of Jail

"Iron Man" star Robert Downey Jr. has been spotted attending his son, Indio's arraignment over felony cocaine possession.

Downey Jr. is in full support of his son as the 21-year-old lad pleads guilty to the charges filed against him.

However, Indio might be spared from conviction if he stays clean and sober for 18 months and would be able to finish his program. He is also prohibited from spending time with people involved in selling, buying and using drugs.

Indio pled guilty to felony cocaine possession -- but the judge said the conviction will be wiped clean if Indio stays clean and sober for 18 months and finishes his program.

In a report by AP as posted in USA Today, Indio Downey expressed his appreciation to Superior Court Judge Keith L. Schwartz for giving him the chance to enter the drug diversion program and promised to follow the lessons in the program and ask for his father's ("Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr.) when necessary.

"I appreciate this opportunity and I intend to make the most of it," Indio told the judge.

Downey Jr. released a statement to TMZ explaining his son's situation during the reported arrest on June saying: "Unfortunately there's a genetic component to addiction and Indio has likely inherited it. Also, there is a lot of family support and understanding, and we're all determined to rally behind him and help him become the man he's capable of being."

 He added, "We're grateful to the Sheriff's department for their intervention, and believe Indio can be another recovery success story instead of a cautionary tale."

It's no secret that "Iron Man" 4 star had his fair share of drug problems before but, he was able to overcome it all and is now more than willing to help his son Indio, to be able to do the same.

Judge Schwartz also acknowledged Robert Downey Jr.'s superhero role telling Indio, "I know in life people always look up to superheroes, but I think you might have contact or an inside as to one superhero -- that's Iron Man."

He even presented the young man with an orange bracelet that reads, "StayClean and Sober."

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