Psy's "Gangnam Style" Featured on ABC News!

Psy's "Gangnam Style" has been featured on the ABC news website.

Psy's "Gangnam Style," which was released last month, has gone viral all over the world.

With over 28 million hits on YouTube, he has been ranked number 1 on YouTube's 'Most Viewed' list. The music features and electronic sound and an addictive beat.

Psy's now-famous 'horse-riding' dance move has been seen in parodies on YouTube and on the news worldwide.

Psy comments that 'Gangnam' is like the 'Beverly Hills of Korea' and that although all the scenes are not in Gangnam, he claims to be 'Gangnam Style'. 

The "Oppan Gangnam Style" phrase is repeated over and over throughout the whole song, which means, "Girls, your big brother is Gangnam style."

His song has now been noticed by famous celebrities such as T-Pain and Josh Groban.

YG Entertainment has also announced that Psy will be traveling to L.A to meet with Justin Bieber's agency.

Psy, although new to the U.S., is actually very famous in Korea, debuting in 2001.

Psy comments, "I don't want to celebrate just yet. I want to show the world what Korean music and concerts are all about."

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Gangnam Style
YG Entertainment
