T-ARA Comeback? Music Bank-Mnet States, "We Have Not Confirmed Yet"

Many have been talking about the possible comeback of T-ARA in September.

Today, KBS "Music Bank" officials have announced that T-ARA's comeback has been confirmed for their program.

However, after holding a phone interview with a KBS official, they think otherwise. The official commented, "We have not heard anything about T-ARA making a comeback on September 9. We are looking at the possible candidates for that week's performance but it is not confirmed that they will be performing."

A Mnet official commented, "We still haven't chosen the artists for this week. It will have to be around next Wednesday for the official schedule to be released."

With the rumors about T-ARA's sudden comeback, many internet users, fans and officials are showing interest.

Many believe that is not right that they are coming back without a formal apology. There have been many posts on internet community boards about people's thoughts on this situation.

However, even through all this chaos, T-ARA choosing to come back is a big ordeal. The agency will be having T-ARA coming back with their new song, "Sexy Love" which was originally supposed to be released on August 15.

T-ARA and their agency's hopes are that after making this comeback that the 'crisis' would die down. Many wonder if this will actually happen.

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