Ben Affleck's Wife Jennifer Garner Pissed Over Jennifer Lopez's Interviews? Couple Raising Feminist Children

Ben Affleck's wife Jennifer Garner is pissed over Jennifer Lopez's interview about the "Batman V Superman" actor being her greatest heartache. Meanwhile, it has been revealed that the couple is trying to teach their girls to become empowered women when they grow up.

"She's absolutely angry that J Lo has been discussing her relationship with Ben. Jen's livid that in almost every interview, she brings up how Ben was her first true love," a source told Contact Music, per IBN.

"Jen thinks it's so disrespectful of J Lo, especially because she and Ben have three kids and it's hurtful to them, too," the insider added.

According to Inquisitr, Ben Affleck's wife Jennifer Garner could be referring not just on the interviews but on the book by Jennifer Lopez titled "True Love."

"Ben Affleck and I called off our wedding,ending our very public relationship in suitably dramatic fashion just days before we were to walk down the aisle of a fairy-tale-wedding we had planned for months. When Ben and I split up at the moment when I thought we were committing to each other forever, it was my first real heartbreak. It felt like my heart had been torn out of my chest," a passage in the book said.

Meanwhile, amidst the controversy involving Ben Affleck's previous relationship with Jennifer Lopez, the couple shared about how they are raising their two daughters.

In an article from Bustle, Jennifer Garner said: "I want my girls to love math. I want them to think that being a scientist is the coolest possible job on the planet. I want them to not be afraid to lean toward their femininity; to love carrying a baby doll around; to know how to bake. And to be able to kick a guy's ass - that's why they've been in karate since they were little!"

Ben Affleck added: Well, [they're] a little young for a sort of Gloria Steinem doctoral thesis, but without getting into exactly what it means politically to be a feminist, our daughters understand what my wife understands full well, which is it's important to be strong, present, and powerful, and accept nothing less than a man would - in fact, ask for more."

Ben Affleck then credited his wife Jennifer Garner for setting an example for their kids so they grow up to be responsible women who will become assets to society.

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