Fans Send Messages Of Support To Creed Singer Scott Stapp After He Claims To Be Homeless And A Target In Distressing Facebook Video

Scott Stapp, the lead singer of the band Creed, posted a particularly heart-wrenching video on his Facebook page on Monday in which he claims to be homeless and alleges that he has been targeted by individuals who are out to slander his name.

Fans of the 41-year-old rock singer quickly posted messages to his Facebook page, showing their support for Stapp and urging the musician to get help if there is, in fact, something else going on in his life that prompted the 15-minute video.

"I'm sober as can be," said Stapp in the recording, addressing alleged gossip that he was battling substance abuse. "Once the rumors started coming out I began getting blood and urine tests once a week just in case someone called me to the carpet on it, I can prove it."

"I'm under some kind of pretty vicious attack," he continued, also claiming that he began an audit of his record company and personal finances 8 weeks ago. In the video, Stapp stated that he discovered money had been stolen from him by unnamed individuals.

"There are people who have taken advantage and stolen money from me, and they're trying to discredit me, slander me," added the musician. "Someone had used my information and changed my online passwords to my bank accounts and transferred all the money out my bank accounts so I had nothing."

Stapp also told fans that the IRS had recently frozen his bank accounts "two or three times" and left him "completely penniless."

"When someone can have all their money taken out of their bank account and no one's held responsible, when someone can get targeted by the IRS because of a clerical error, when someone can get completely slandered and lies made up about them and post it all over the Internet and there's no consequences for those people, there's a problem," said the singer.

"I don't understand how that's fair in America," he added. "My civil rights have been violated ... I'm gonna expose and I'm gonna fight every single individual that is responsible for this. Right now I'm looking for an honest, good attorney that's ready to fight and take it all the way to the top."

Stapp, who talks a lot about relying on his Christian faith in the video, also reveals that he has gone through spells of homelessness as of late.

"Right now I'm living in a Holiday Inn, by the grace of God, because there's been a couple of weeks I had to live in my truck," he said. "I had no money, not even for gas or food. I went two days without eating because I had no money and ended up in an emergency room."

When fans of the singer viewed the video, in which Stapp says he has been "harassed," "stalked," and "slandered," they immediately filled the musician's Facebook page with messages. 

"Am I the only one here worried that Scott's havin a nervous breakdown?" wrote Steve Hobbs. "I'm a big fan and I love all his music but his wife's just left him and he's alone in a hotel room sending a message to millions of people basically asking for help. Well I hope his family and friends who do know him do help him. God bless Scott," he added.

James Keller posted, "Scott I am not coming to you as a fan. I'm coming to you as a friend! As a brother! You have always been honest with me! So I'm going to be honest with you! I am so worried about you! You know your always in my prayers."

"Until you hire a reliable lawyer , stop talking my friend. Your giving out way to much personal information. God bless you!" advised Christine Driscoll Gallagher.

B Kirk Brown wrote, "To those that love and intimately know Scott...he seems like he has had a "break" of sorts. Please, those that can, get to him and help him..."

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