Nigel Farage Says 'Breastfeeding Mothers Should Sit In The Corner:' Ukip Leader's Controversial Comments Provoke Protests And Outrage; Discriminating Against Breastfeeding Women Is Unlawful [PHOTO]

In a recent appearance on LBC Radio, Ukip leader Nigel Farage turned heads when he suggested that breastfeeding mothers should "sit in the corner" rather than feed their babies "in an ostentatious way." He continued by noting that some people become very "uncomfortable" and "embarrassed" when viewing breastfeeding in public, and that though he is personally not bothered by it he knows others who get very "awkward."

The reason Farage brought up the topic of breastfeeding at all was due to an incident at Claridge's (a luxury hotel) when a breastfeeding mother was asked to cover herself while feeding her child. Farage came to Claridge's defense, stating, "I'm not particularly bothered by it, but I know a lot of people do feel very uncomfortable, and look - this is just a matter of common sense, isn't it? I think that given that some people feel very embarrassed by it, it isn't too difficult to breastfeed a baby in a way that's not openly ostentatious.

Frankly, that's up to Claridge's, and I very much take the view that if you're running an establishment you should have rules... [Breastfeeding women] could perhaps sit in the corner, or whatever it might be - that's up to Claridge's."

This statement caused many criticisms to arise, one in particular from David Cameron, who stated that it is "totally unacceptable" for breastfeeding women to be made to feel "uncomfortable" in public. According to The Telegraph, Mumsnet chief executive Justine Roberts said, "It is of course a natural, essential human process and those with an issue simply need to get over themselves - babies need to be fed when they're hungry, and there's nothing ostentatious about a mother responding to that need."

BBC News reports that Farage has since accused the media of misinterpreting him and said his statement was a question of "good manners." He continued, "Breastfeeding women should never be embarrassed by staff asking them to stop, and most mums will recognize the need to be discreet in certain, limited, circumstances. It's just a question of good manners."

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LBC Radio
David Cameron
Justine Roberts
Nigel Farage
